bvilhjal / ldpred

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LDpred score error #68

Closed babak-ra closed 5 years ago

babak-ra commented 5 years ago

When the debug flag is used in scoring, --debug score, it causes the following error:

Iterating over BED file to calculate risk scores.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 291, in <module>
  File "./", line 284, in main
  File "/opt/ldpred-1.0.5/ldpred/", line 642, in main
    verbose=verbose, summary_dict=summary_dict)
  File "/opt/ldpred-1.0.5/ldpred/", line 400, in calc_risk_scores
    prs_dict = get_prs(bed_file, rs_id_map, phen_map, only_score=only_score, verbose=verbose)
  File "/opt/ldpred-1.0.5/ldpred/", line 127, in get_prs
    print('%0.2f%% of genotype file read' % (100.0 * (min(float(loci_i) / (num_loci-1.0)))))
TypeError: 'float' object is not iterable
bvilhjal commented 5 years ago

I believe I fixed this now..