Open jaschaio opened 6 years ago
Not sure what I am doing wrong or if I have to do something specifically to get the hostname within Prometheus.
Stack File:
version: "3.5" services: node-exporter: image: basi/node-exporter networks: - monitor environment: - HOST_HOSTNAME=/etc/host_hostname volumes: - /proc:/host/proc - /sys:/host/sys - /:/rootfs - /etc/hostname:/etc/host_hostname deploy: mode: global labels: - com.df.notify=true - com.df.scrapePort=9100 - com.df.alertName.1=mem_load - com.df.alertIf.1=@node_mem_limit:0.8 - com.df.alertFor.1=30s - com.df.alertName.2=diskload - com.df.alertIf.2=@node_fs_limit:0.8 - com.df.alertFor.2=30s resources: reservations: memory: 20M limits: memory: 50M command: '--path.procfs="/host/proc" --path.sysfs="/host/sys" --collector.filesystem.ignored-mount-points="^/(sys|proc|dev|host|etc)($$|/)""/etc/node-exporter/" --collector.conntrack --collector.diskstats --collector.entropy --collector.filefd --collector.filesystem --collector.loadavg --collector.mdadm --collector.meminfo --collector.netdev --collector.netstat --collector.stat --collector.textfile --collector.time --collector.vmstat --collector.ipvs' networks: monitor: external: true proxy: external: true
Discovered Labels:
__address__="" __meta_dns_name="tasks.exporter_node-exporter" __metrics_path__="/metrics" __scheme__="http" job="exporter_node-exporter"
I'm also seeing the same issue..did anyone figure out if we have a way to get host names in prometheus metrics?
Not sure what I am doing wrong or if I have to do something specifically to get the hostname within Prometheus.
Stack File:
Discovered Labels: