bvschaik / julius

An open source re-implementation of Caesar III
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
2.83k stars 316 forks source link

Translating the settings menu (and other texts) #415

Closed ghost closed 3 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

Translations needed:

Elielzices commented 4 years ago

@crudelios modifiquei um pouco com o vocabulário que a gente usa aqui no BR. Mexi em alguns pontos só pra ficar parecido com o arquivo de tradução oficial do jogo (tipo naquele Percorrer Legiões). Dá uma olhada:

(I modified a bit with the vocabulary we use here in Brazil. Some words I just changed to match the game's oficial translation (like Percorrer Legiões for Circular por Legiões). Take a look:)

   {TR_NO_PATCH_TITLE, "Atualização não instalada"},
        "Sua versão de Caesar III não tem a atualização instalada. "
        "Você pode baixar a atualização em:\n"
        URL_PATCHES "\n"
        "Continue por seu próprio risco."},
    {TR_MISSING_FONTS_TITLE, "Fontes faltando"},
        "Sua instalação de Caesar III precisa de outros arquivos de fontes. "
        "Você pode baixá-las para seu idioma em:\n"
    {TR_NO_EDITOR_TITLE, "Editor não instalado"},
        "Sua versão de Caesar III não possui os arquivos do Editor de Mapas. "
        "Você pode baixá-lo em:\n"
    {TR_INVALID_LANGUAGE_TITLE, "Pasta de idioma inválida"},
        "A pasta selecionada não contém um pacote de idioma válido. "
        "Verifique o arquivo de registro para ver os erros"},
    {TR_BUTTON_OK, "OK"},
    {TR_BUTTON_CANCEL, "Cancelar"},
    {TR_BUTTON_RESET_DEFAULTS, "Redefinir padrões"},
    {TR_BUTTON_CONFIGURE_HOTKEYS, "Configurar atalhos"},
    {TR_CONFIG_TITLE, "Opções de Configurações do Julius"},
    {TR_CONFIG_HEADER_UI_CHANGES, "Mudanças de interface"},
    {TR_CONFIG_HEADER_GAMEPLAY_CHANGES, "Mudanças de jogabilidade"},
    {TR_CONFIG_SHOW_INTRO_VIDEO, "Tocar vídeos de abertura"},
    {TR_CONFIG_SIDEBAR_INFO, "Informação extra no painel de controle"},
    {TR_CONFIG_SMOOTH_SCROLLING, "Ativar rolagem suave"},
    {TR_CONFIG_VISUAL_FEEDBACK_ON_DELETE, "Ativar Indicador visual ao limpar o terreno"},
    {TR_CONFIG_ALLOW_CYCLING_TEMPLES, "Permitir construir cada templo em sequência"},
    {TR_CONFIG_SHOW_WATER_STRUCTURE_RANGE, "Mostrar alcance ao construir reservatórios, fontes e poços"},
    {TR_CONFIG_SHOW_CONSTRUCTION_SIZE, "Mostrar o tamanho da construção ao arrastar"},
    {TR_CONFIG_FIX_IMMIGRATION_BUG, "Consertar falha durante a imigração na dificuldade máxima"},
    {TR_CONFIG_FIX_100_YEAR_GHOSTS, "Consertar falha dos 'fantasmas' de 100 anos"},
    {TR_CONFIG_FIX_EDITOR_EVENTS, "Consertar falha na mudança de Imperador e tempo de sobrevivência"},

    {TR_HOTKEY_TITLE, "Configurações de teclas de atalho do Julius"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_LABEL, "Teclas de atalho"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_HEADER_ARROWS, "Teclas de seta"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_HEADER_GLOBAL, "Atalhos gerais"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_HEADER_CITY, "Atalhos da cidade"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_HEADER_ADVISORS, "Conselheiros"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_HEADER_OVERLAYS, "Mapa específicos"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_HEADER_BOOKMARKS, "Pontos de referência"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_ARROW_UP, "Cima"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_ARROW_DOWN, "Baixo"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_ARROW_LEFT, "Esquerda"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_ARROW_RIGHT, "Direita"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_CENTER_WINDOW, "Centralizar"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_RESIZE_TO_640, "Redimensionar para 640x480"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_RESIZE_TO_800, "Redimensionar para 800x600"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_RESIZE_TO_1024, "Redimensionar para 1024x768"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_SAVE_SCREENSHOT, "Capturar tela"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_SAVE_CITY_SCREENSHOT, "Capturar imagem de cidade"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_LOAD_FILE, "Carregar jogo"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_SAVE_FILE, "Salvar jogo"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_INCREASE_GAME_SPEED, "Aumentar velocidade do jogo"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_DECREASE_GAME_SPEED, "Reduzir velocidade do jogo"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_TOGGLE_PAUSE, "Dar pausa"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_CYCLE_LEGION, "Circular por legiões"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_ROTATE_MAP_LEFT, "Girar no sentido anti-horário"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_ROTATE_MAP_RIGHT, "Girar no sentido horário"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_SHOW_ADVISOR_TRADE, "Comércio Exterior"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_SHOW_ADVISOR_CHIEF, "Conselheiro Chefe"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_TOGGLE_OVERLAY, "Alternar Mapa Atual/Padrão"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_SHOW_OVERLAY_FIRE, "Mapa de Fogo"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_SHOW_OVERLAY_DAMAGE, "Mapa de Avarias"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_SHOW_OVERLAY_CRIME, "Mapa de Criminalidade"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_SHOW_OVERLAY_PROBLEMS, "Mapa de Problemas"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_GO_TO_BOOKMARK_1, "Ir para marcador 1"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_GO_TO_BOOKMARK_2, "Ir para marcador 2"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_GO_TO_BOOKMARK_3, "Ir para marcador 3"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_GO_TO_BOOKMARK_4, "Ir para marcador 4"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_SET_BOOKMARK_1, "Definir marcador 1"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_SET_BOOKMARK_2, "Definir marcador 2"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_SET_BOOKMARK_3, "Definir marcador 3"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_SET_BOOKMARK_4, "Definir marcador 4"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_EDITOR_TOGGLE_BATTLE_INFO, "Mostrar informações de batalha"},
    {TR_HOTKEY_EDIT_TITLE, "Nova tecla de atalho"}
ghost commented 4 years ago

hmmm... have a crazy idea but... dont know.

guys, if i translate all the game with ukrainian language, i mean:

may we implement it? for me it could be a good experience and exiting, and, maybe, people from Ukraine will love c3 with ukranian translation much more than with russian one.

PS: i forget to ask about some new symbols to this language. could we add some new symbols? like Ї ї , Є є , Ґ ґ ,

bvschaik commented 4 years ago

@ArtySh0ck Just a warning: it's going to be a LOT of work, even if you just do a text translation and leave out the audio files. There are two files to translate, and together they are more than 60,000 words that needs to be translated: that's a medium-sized novel.

If you're willing to make the effort, I can look into ways to support translations which require extra letters. To translate the game:

  1. Download the latest version of EngConverter
  2. Use it to convert c3.eng and c3_mm.eng to XML files. If you use the Russian version as starting point, those files will be c3.rus and c3_mm.rus, and select "Windows-1251 - Russian" as encoding.
  3. Open up the two XML files in a text editor of your choice and start translating. You can convert them back to game format using the second tab of EngConverter.
crudelios commented 4 years ago

@Elielzices Thank you for your translation, it is indeed better 😃

Can you also please translate the following?

Highlight legion on cursor hover


Show military sidebar


ghost commented 4 years ago

Highlight legion on cursor hover - "Подсвечивать легион при наведении" Show military sidebar - "Отображать боковую панель армии"


Elielzices commented 4 years ago


there you go

Highlight legion on cursor hover

Destacar legião ao passar o mouse and

Show military sidebar

Mostrar barra lateral militar

[ ↑↑ that's the literal translation, but I'm not sure about the accuracy for the tool (I don't know how this feature is going to work haha] but this could be better ↓↓ :] (I just read pull #378 )

Mostrar atividades militares na barra lateral

@crudelios we should work together translating the features for Augustus too! In that case, where do I sign up to help send the translated file?

crudelios commented 4 years ago

Hello everyone!

I need translations for the string Enable military sidebar in Spanish and in Traditional Chinese.

Can someone help with that?

ghost commented 4 years ago

Hello everyone! I would like to translate the options menu to hungarian. (If it's needed) The game isn't translated officially to hungarian, same case as ukranian language. So I would translate the game texts to hungarian too. Years ago I downloaded a hungarian mod, which I can't find anymore online. It's not perfect, and it's only halfway complete. But, I have a problem... I can't convert the c3.eng file to XML. (I can read the file with notepad, but it gives a block of text, which is a pain to translate or modify.) Probably because of the encoding. I looked into the sourcecode of engconverter, realised it's CMake, and given up after a failed building. Is there a way of adding hungarian encoding to the engconverter? Or could somebody explain, how to convert eng files to xml, so I could program it in C#? (Sorry for the long text.)

anon569 commented 4 years ago

@SzKrisz22 This is the most complete Hungarian translation of C3:

ghost commented 4 years ago

@anon569 Thanks for the link. Probably I have that version. It's only 70% complete. And I would like to increase that number in my free time. But, the encoding is still a problem.

bvschaik commented 4 years ago

@SzKrisz22 Why isn't it possible to convert the file to XML using EngConverter? Hungarian should theoretically use Windows codepage 1251, just like Polish, though that of course depends on how the translation was done. A description of the ENG file format is here:

ghost commented 4 years ago

@bvschaik Thanks for the response. (So, I was DUMB. I troubleshooted 3 hours in the wrong direction, and got confused.) You are right. Windows 1250(polish?) is the correct encoding. The converter clearly said: offset error.( I still don't know how I missed that) I figured out, that notepad++ separates the strings in the eng file. Then the xml to eng works as it should. I started copy-pasting, translating the rest... Note: at first characters were different ( û instead of ű), but after installing the newest version of the mod it was fixed.

411752230 commented 4 years ago

@bvschaik @crudelios If there is going to be new texts in the future just @me. I will check and give a quick translation very soon. Traditional Chinese 1.Highlight legion on cursor hover 滑鼠懸停時高亮軍團

2.Show military sidebar 顯示軍隊資訊側欄

basilero commented 4 years ago

Hi, here's an italian translation for the setting menu. HTH.


{TR_NO_PATCH_TITLE, "Patch non installata"},
    "La tua installazione di Caesar 3 non comprende la patch "
    "Puoi scaricare la patch da:\n"
    URL_PATCHES "\n"
    "Continua a tuo rischio e pericolo."},
{TR_MISSING_FONTS_TITLE, "Font mancanti"},
    "La tua installazione di Caesar 3 richiede font extra. "
    "Puoi scaricare le font per la tua lingua da:\n"
{TR_NO_EDITOR_TITLE, "Editor non installato"},
    "La tua installazione di Caesar 3 non conmprende l'editor delle mappe. "
    "Puoi scaricarlo da:\n"
{TR_INVALID_LANGUAGE_TITLE, "Cartella della lingua non valida"},
    "La cartella selezionata non contiene un pacchetto di lingua corretto. "
    "Per favore controlla il log degli errori."},
{TR_BUTTON_CANCEL, "Cancella"},
{TR_BUTTON_RESET_DEFAULTS, "Ripristina il default"},
{TR_BUTTON_CONFIGURE_HOTKEYS, "Configura scorciatoie da tastiera"},
{TR_CONFIG_TITLE, "Opzioni di configurazione di Julius"},
{TR_CONFIG_HEADER_UI_CHANGES, "Modifiche all'interfaccia utente"},
{TR_CONFIG_SHOW_INTRO_VIDEO, "Riproduce il video introduttivo"},
{TR_CONFIG_SIDEBAR_INFO, "Informazioni extra nel pannello di controllo"},
{TR_CONFIG_SMOOTH_SCROLLING, "Abilita lo scorrimento continuo"},
{TR_CONFIG_VISUAL_FEEDBACK_ON_DELETE, "Migliora l'aspetto liberando il terreno"},
{TR_CONFIG_ALLOW_CYCLING_TEMPLES, "Consente la costruzione di tutti i templi in successione"},
{TR_CONFIG_SHOW_WATER_STRUCTURE_RANGE, "Mostra il raggio di copertura durante la costruzione di cisterne, fontane e pozzi"},
{TR_CONFIG_SHOW_CONSTRUCTION_SIZE, "Mostra le dimensioni della costruzione durante il trascinamento"},
{TR_CONFIG_FIX_IMMIGRATION_BUG, "Corregge il bug dell'immigrazione al livello molto difficile"},
{TR_CONFIG_FIX_100_YEAR_GHOSTS, "Corregge il bug dei centenari"},
{TR_CONFIG_FIX_EDITOR_EVENTS, "Corregge il cambio di Imperatore e il tempo di sopravvivenza nelle missioni personalizzate"},
{TR_HOTKEY_TITLE, "Configurazione delle scorciatoie da tastiera"},
{TR_HOTKEY_HEADER_GLOBAL, "Scorciatoie globali"},
{TR_HOTKEY_HEADER_CITY, "Scorciatoie per la città"},
{TR_HOTKEY_HEADER_BOOKMARKS, "Segnaposto sulla mappa"},
{TR_HOTKEY_CENTER_WINDOW, "Centra la finestra"},
{TR_HOTKEY_RESIZE_TO_640, "Ridimensiona la finestra a 640x480"},
{TR_HOTKEY_RESIZE_TO_800, "Ridimensiona la finestra a 800x600"},
{TR_HOTKEY_RESIZE_TO_1024, "Ridimensiona la finestra a 1024x768"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SAVE_SCREENSHOT, "Salva l'immagine"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SAVE_CITY_SCREENSHOT, "Salva l'immagine dell'intera città"},
{TR_HOTKEY_LOAD_FILE, "Carica file"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SAVE_FILE, "Salva file"},
{TR_HOTKEY_INCREASE_GAME_SPEED, "Aumenta la velocità"},
{TR_HOTKEY_DECREASE_GAME_SPEED, "Diminuisce la velocità"},
{TR_HOTKEY_CYCLE_LEGION, "Scorre le legioni"},
{TR_HOTKEY_ROTATE_MAP_LEFT, "Ruota la mappa a sinistra"},
{TR_HOTKEY_ROTATE_MAP_RIGHT, "Ruota la mappa a destra"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SHOW_ADVISOR_LABOR, "Consigliere del lavoro"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SHOW_ADVISOR_MILITARY, "Consigliere militare"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SHOW_ADVISOR_IMPERIAL, "Consigliere dell'Impero"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SHOW_ADVISOR_RATINGS, "Consigliere dei livelli"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SHOW_ADVISOR_TRADE, "Consigliere commerciale"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SHOW_ADVISOR_POPULATION, "Consigliere della popolazione"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SHOW_ADVISOR_HEALTH, "Consigliere della sanità"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SHOW_ADVISOR_EDUCATION, "Consigliere dell'educazione"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SHOW_ADVISOR_ENTERTAINMENT, "Consigliere degli intrattenimenti"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SHOW_ADVISOR_RELIGION, "Consigliere religioso"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SHOW_ADVISOR_FINANCIAL, "Consigliere finanziario"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SHOW_ADVISOR_CHIEF, "Consigliere capo"},
{TR_HOTKEY_TOGGLE_OVERLAY, "Cambia la tabella corrente"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SHOW_OVERLAY_CRIME, "Tabella crimine"},
{TR_HOTKEY_GO_TO_BOOKMARK_1, "Va al segnaposto 1"},
{TR_HOTKEY_GO_TO_BOOKMARK_2, "Va al segnaposto 2"},
{TR_HOTKEY_GO_TO_BOOKMARK_3, "Va al segnaposto 3"},
{TR_HOTKEY_GO_TO_BOOKMARK_4, "Va al segnaposto 4"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SET_BOOKMARK_1, "Fissa il segnaposto 1"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SET_BOOKMARK_2, "Fissa il segnaposto 2"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SET_BOOKMARK_3, "Fissa il segnaposto 3"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SET_BOOKMARK_4, "Fissa il segnaposto 4"},
{TR_HOTKEY_EDITOR_TOGGLE_BATTLE_INFO, "Informazioni sulla battaglia"},
{TR_HOTKEY_EDIT_TITLE, "Premi un nuovo tasto"}


bvschaik commented 4 years ago

@basilero Thanks! Some strings are too long, is there any way we can shorten them?

{TR_CONFIG_SHOW_WATER_STRUCTURE_RANGE, "Mostra il raggio di copertura durante la costruzione di cisterne, fontane e pozzi"},
{TR_CONFIG_FIX_EDITOR_EVENTS, "Corregge il cambio di Imperatore e il tempo di sopravvivenza nelle missioni personalizzate"},
{TR_BUTTON_CONFIGURE_HOTKEYS, "Configura scorciatoie da tastiera"},
{TR_HOTKEY_RESIZE_TO_640, "Ridimensiona la finestra a 640x480"},
{TR_HOTKEY_RESIZE_TO_800, "Ridimensiona la finestra a 800x600"},
{TR_HOTKEY_RESIZE_TO_1024, "Ridimensiona la finestra a 1024x768"},

Also, could you provide translations for the following strings? Highlight legion on cursor hover Construction hotkeys

italian too long

basilero commented 4 years ago

@bvschaik I imagined that those strings wouldn't fit, but I tried anyway... Here's another try.

{TR_CONFIG_SHOW_WATER_STRUCTURE_RANGE, "Mostra la copertura di cisterne, fontane e pozzi"},
{TR_CONFIG_FIX_EDITOR_EVENTS, "Elimina le complicazioni al cambio di Imperatore"},
{TR_BUTTON_CONFIGURE_HOTKEYS, "Configura tasti rapidi"},
{TR_HOTKEY_RESIZE_TO_640, "Finestra a 640x480"},
{TR_HOTKEY_RESIZE_TO_800, "Finestra a 800x600"},
{TR_HOTKEY_RESIZE_TO_1024, "Finestra a 1024x768"},

Highlight legion on cursor hover is Evidenzia la legione al passaggio del cursore or if it's too long Mostra la legione sotto al cursore

Construction hotkeys is Scorciatoie per costruzione or if it's too long Tasti per costruzione.


bvschaik commented 4 years ago

@basilero Thanks! All of those fit nicely, the latest version of Julius includes your translation.

virror commented 4 years ago

` {TR_NO_PATCH_TITLE, "Uppdatering inte installerad"}, {TR_NO_PATCH_MESSAGE, "Din Caesar 3 installation har inte uppdateringen installerad. " "Du kan ladda ner installationen från:\n" URL_PATCHES "\n" "Fortsätt på egen risk."}, {TR_MISSING_FONTS_TITLE, "Saknade typsnitt"}, {TR_MISSING_FONTS_MESSAGE, "Din Caesar 3 installation behöver extra typsnittsfiler. " "Du kan ladda ner dom för ditt språk från:\n" URL_PATCHES}, {TR_NO_EDITOR_TITLE, "Redigeringsverktyg inte installerade"}, {TR_NO_EDITOR_MESSAGE, "Din Caesar 3 installation saknar redigeringsfilerna. " "Du kan ladda ner dom från:\n" URL_EDITOR}, {TR_INVALID_LANGUAGE_TITLE, "Ogiltig språkmapp"}, {TR_INVALID_LANGUAGE_MESSAGE, "Den valda mappen inehåller inte ett giltigt språkpaket. " "Kolla loggen efter fel."}, {TR_BUTTON_OK, "OK"}, {TR_BUTTON_CANCEL, "Avbryt"}, {TR_BUTTON_RESET_DEFAULTS, "Återställ förval"}, {TR_BUTTON_CONFIGURE_HOTKEYS, "Konfigurera kortkommando"}, {TR_CONFIG_TITLE, "Julius konfigurationer"}, {TR_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_LABEL, "Språk:"}, {TR_CONFIG_LANGUAGE_DEFAULT, "(förval)"}, {TR_CONFIG_HEADER_UI_CHANGES, "Användargränssnittsändringar"}, {TR_CONFIG_HEADER_GAMEPLAY_CHANGES, "Spelinställningar"}, {TR_CONFIG_SHOW_INTRO_VIDEO, "Visa introduktionsfilmer"}, {TR_CONFIG_SIDEBAR_INFO, "Extra information i kontrollpanelen"}, {TR_CONFIG_SMOOTH_SCROLLING, "Mjuk scrollning"}, {TR_CONFIG_VISUAL_FEEDBACK_ON_DELETE, "Öka visuel återkoppling vid rensning av land"}, {TR_CONFIG_ALLOW_CYCLING_TEMPLES, "Tillåt att bygga varje tempel i följd"}, {TR_CONFIG_SHOW_WATER_STRUCTURE_RANGE, "Visa räckvidd vid bygge av reservoarer, fontäner och brunnar"}, {TR_CONFIG_SHOW_CONSTRUCTION_SIZE, "Visa dragbar byggnadsstorlek"}, {TR_CONFIG_FIX_IMMIGRATION_BUG, "Fixa invandringsproblem vid väldigt svårt svårighetsgrad"}, {TR_CONFIG_FIX_100_YEAR_GHOSTS, "Fixa 100-års spöken"}, {TR_CONFIG_FIX_EDITOR_EVENTS, "Fixa härskarändring and överlevnadstid i användaruppdrag"},

{TR_HOTKEY_TITLE, "Julius kortkommandon"},
{TR_HOTKEY_LABEL, "Kortkommando"},
{TR_HOTKEY_HEADER_ARROWS, "Piltangenter"},
{TR_HOTKEY_HEADER_GLOBAL, "Globala kortkommandon"},
{TR_HOTKEY_HEADER_CITY, "Stadskortkommandon"},
{TR_HOTKEY_HEADER_BOOKMARKS, "Stadskarta bokmärken"},
{TR_HOTKEY_HEADER_EDITOR, "Redigeringsverktyg"},
{TR_HOTKEY_CENTER_WINDOW, "Centrera fönster"},
{TR_HOTKEY_RESIZE_TO_640, "Sätt fönster till 640x480"},
{TR_HOTKEY_RESIZE_TO_800, "Sätt fönster till 800x600"},
{TR_HOTKEY_RESIZE_TO_1024, "Sätt fönster till 1024x768"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SAVE_SCREENSHOT, "Spara skärmdump"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SAVE_CITY_SCREENSHOT, "Spara staden som skärmdump"},
{TR_HOTKEY_LOAD_FILE, "Öppna fil"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SAVE_FILE, "Spara fil"},
{TR_HOTKEY_INCREASE_GAME_SPEED, "Öka spelhastighet"},
{TR_HOTKEY_DECREASE_GAME_SPEED, "Minska spelhastighet"},
{TR_HOTKEY_CYCLE_LEGION, "Växla mellan legioner"},
{TR_HOTKEY_ROTATE_MAP_LEFT, "Rotera kartan vänster"},
{TR_HOTKEY_ROTATE_MAP_RIGHT, "Rotera kartan höger"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SHOW_ADVISOR_LABOR, "Arbetarrådgivare"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SHOW_ADVISOR_RATINGS, "Ställningsrådgivare"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SHOW_ADVISOR_TRADE, "Handlesrådgivare"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SHOW_ADVISOR_POPULATION, "Populationsrådgivare"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SHOW_ADVISOR_EDUCATION, "Utbildningsrådgivare"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SHOW_ADVISOR_RELIGION, "Religionsrådgivare"},
{TR_HOTKEY_TOGGLE_OVERLAY, "Slå på/av nuvarande överlägg"},
{TR_HOTKEY_GO_TO_BOOKMARK_1, "Gå till bokmärke 1"},
{TR_HOTKEY_GO_TO_BOOKMARK_2, "Gå till bokmärke 2"},
{TR_HOTKEY_GO_TO_BOOKMARK_3, "Gå till bokmärke 3"},
{TR_HOTKEY_GO_TO_BOOKMARK_4, "Gå till bokmärke 4"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SET_BOOKMARK_1, "Sätt bokmärke 1"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SET_BOOKMARK_2, "Sätt bokmärke 2"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SET_BOOKMARK_3, "Sätt bokmärke 3"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SET_BOOKMARK_4, "Sätt bokmärke 4"},
{TR_HOTKEY_EDITOR_TOGGLE_BATTLE_INFO, "Slå på/av stridsinformation"},
{TR_HOTKEY_EDIT_TITLE, "Tryck nytt kortkommando"}


Swedish translations. Im no translator, but its a first shot if someone wants to look through them later.

bvschaik commented 4 years ago

@virror Thanks! Two strings are a bit too long:

And could you perhaps also translate these new strings?

"Highlight legion on cursor hover"
"Show military sidebar"
"Construction hotkeys"
virror commented 4 years ago

Yes, that would work just fine, regarding the new ones: "Markera legion vid mushovring" "Visa militär sidopanel" "Byggnadskortkommandon"

bvschaik commented 4 years ago

Thanks again! I now see I forgot to mention one recently added string, sorry about that. Could you also translate: "Clone building under cursor"?

Elielzices commented 4 years ago

Thanks again! I now see I forgot to mention one recently added string, sorry about that. Could you also translate: "Clone building under cursor"?

Portuguese BR "Duplicar construção abaixo do cursor?"

virror commented 4 years ago

"Klona byggnad under pekaren"

basilero commented 4 years ago

Thanks again! I now see I forgot to mention one recently added string, sorry about that. Could you also translate: "Clone building under cursor"?


"Clona l'edificio sotto il cursore"

bvschaik commented 4 years ago

With the next release nearing, we need a few new strings to be translated. Could you provide the translations for the strings below?

French: @constant-current

German: @m-mohr

Italian: @basilero

Korean: @fetchinist

Polish: @Keriew

Russian: @catch220 / @ArtySh0ck

Spanish: @BeleGMRV

Swedish: @virror

Simplified Chinese: @411752230

Traditional Chinese: @411752230

virror commented 4 years ago

"Slå av högerklick drar kartan"

fetchinist commented 4 years ago

Disable right click to drag the map 오른 클릭 드래그 화면이동 끄기

Clone building under cursor 커서 아래에 있는 건물 복제

Construction hotkeys 건설 단축키

m-mohr commented 4 years ago

German: Made you PR #518

constant-current commented 4 years ago

Hello everybody, I hope you all are okay.

Disable right click to drag the map Désactiver le clic droit pour déplacer la vue de la cité

Clone building under cursor Cloner le bâtiment sous le curseur

Construction hotkeys Raccourcis de construction

basilero commented 4 years ago

With the next release nearing, we need a few new strings to be translated. Could you provide the translations for the strings below? ...

Italian: @basilero

  • [ ] Disable right click to drag the map Disabilita lo spostamento della mappa col tasto destro or Disabilita il tasto destro per spostare la mappa (shorter version).

  • [ ] Enable military sidebar Abilita il pannello militare.


crudelios commented 4 years ago

Can you please also provide smaller translations to the following strings?

These became too big since we added the scrolling widget to the config menu.

French @constant-current:

German @m-mohr:

Polish @Keriew:

Russian @catch220 / @ArtySh0ck:

Spanish @BeleGMRV:


constant-current commented 4 years ago
* [ ]  `Voir la zone d'effet en plaçant des réservoirs, des fontaines et des puits` - Truncated at `fontaines et des`

Voir la zone d'effet en plaçant les bâtiments de distribution d'eau

* [ ]  `Corrige “Nouvel Empereur” et la survie des parties crées avec l'éditeur` - Truncated at `avec l'édi`

Corrige “Nouvel Empereur” et la survie des missions de l'éditeur

m-mohr commented 4 years ago

German @m-mohr:

  • [ ] Behebe Wechsel- und Überlebenszeit des Imperators in eigenen Missionen - Truncated at eigenen Miss

@bvschaik As I never really understood this option (have not used/played custom missions), I can't correctly translate this without further explanation what this does. I just don't know what I can leave out so that it's still understandable. If you'd need to shorten the original "Fix Emperor change and survival time in custom missions", how would you do that? Maybe that gives me a better idea how to translate... Could it be "Fix emperor's years of reign in custom missions"? Then I'd translate it with "Behebe Herrschaftsjahre des Imperators in eigenen Missionen". That should fit (mostly?)

crudelios commented 4 years ago

As of #521, the text will be ellipsized when it doesn't fix. This is a temporary solution as we want smaller strings.

@m-mohr The "emperor change" is due to the fact that when the emperor changes, the original game does nothing but it should reset the favour to 50.

The "survival time in custom missions" forces you to play for the entire "survival time" even if you meet the rest of the winning criterial. In C3, if you meet the criteria before the end of the "survival time", you instantly win the mission.

m-mohr commented 4 years ago

@crudelios Thanks, still don't completely understand it. So what exactly does this option enable? What is fixed in Julius? The Favor resets to 50 and you need to play longer, until ...? I must admit I even find the English option "Fix Emperor change and survival time in custom missions" confusing.

crudelios commented 4 years ago


In vanilla C3, the emperor change only displayed the message but did not actually revert the favor to 50. This is fixed in Julius if that option is active. If you set the option, if your favor is 10 before the emperor change it will jump to 10, if it is 90 it will also go back to 50.

Either in C3 or in Julius with the fix, you need to reach the scenario's required favor to win.

For the survival time, imagine the survival is 10 years but you reach the goals after 5 years. In C3 you'd win after those 5 years.

In Julius, if you activate the option, even if you meet all the scenario's criteria by year 5, you still need to play for 10 years. If at the end of the 10 years you meet the rest of the criteria you win, otherwise you lose. This allows for missions where, for example, you need to defend a city from constant invasions for a certain amount of time.

m-mohr commented 4 years ago

Thanks, I guess it would be easier to understand if that were two separate options. Describing that in a single line is nearly impossible. You need to know what it means otherwise you're likely confused. My translation in the game is pretty bad having your explanations in mind.

The shortest I can come up with at the moment is: Korrigiere Gunst bei Imperatorwechsel und Missionszeit (Editor) @bvschaik which translates to: Fix favor on emperor change and mission time (editor)

That's more precise regarding the favor, but less precise regarding the survival time. There's no good translation for survival time in German AFAIK anyway.

bvschaik commented 4 years ago

Thanks! Don't spend too much time on it though, we're discussing to either remove this option or reduce it to just the Emperor change since it doesn't really match the goals of Julius (vanilla gameplay).

m-mohr commented 4 years ago

@bvschaik Okay, I just updated the translation once again above. I think that's my last attempt ;-)

constant-current commented 4 years ago

Don't spend too much time on it though, we're discussing to either remove this option or reduce it to just the Emperor change since it doesn't really match the goals of Julius (vanilla gameplay).

I too recall having trouble to understand this option but finally found the full description into the Configuration wiki page. The hardest part was to match the character limit when trying to stay descriptive enough for players. It appeared to be quite unsatisfying for many translators. IMHO, those may be two separate options or a more global and obscure one titled as "Fix custom maps bugs". Maybe an hoverbox or a popup under an exclamation mark could be added to improve descriptions instead?

LuPoNe81 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I did fix a couple of typos and corrected a couple of terms in the Italian translation, please find only the affected lines, corrected, quoted below:

Hi, here's an italian translation for the setting menu. HTH.


    "La tua installazione di Caesar 3 non comprende l'editor delle mappe. "
    "Puoi scaricarlo da:\n"
{TR_BUTTON_CANCEL, "Annulla"},
{TR_BUTTON_RESET_DEFAULTS, "Ripristina predefiniti"},
{TR_CONFIG_SHOW_INTRO_VIDEO, "Mostra video introduttivo"},
{TR_CONFIG_ALLOW_CYCLING_TEMPLES, "Consente la costruzione di ogni tempio in successione"},
{TR_CONFIG_FIX_100_YEAR_GHOSTS, "Corregge il bug dei centenari"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SAVE_CITY_SCREENSHOT, "Salva Schermata dell'intera città"},
{TR_HOTKEY_CYCLE_LEGION, "Scorri le legioni"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SHOW_ADVISOR_CHIEF, "Consigliere capo"},
{TR_HOTKEY_TOGGLE_OVERLAY, "Cambia la sovrimpressione corrente"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SHOW_OVERLAY_WATER, "Sovrimpressione idrica"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SHOW_OVERLAY_FIRE, "Sovrimpressione incendi"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SHOW_OVERLAY_DAMAGE, "Sovrimpressione danni"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SHOW_OVERLAY_CRIME, "Sovrimpressione crimine"},
{TR_HOTKEY_SHOW_OVERLAY_PROBLEMS, "Sovrimpressione problemi"},


Edit: I corrected my typo on Sovrimpressione and adjusted also the wording for the overlay water and fire, which are more correctly represented with "idrica" and "incendi". If the term "Strato" would be used instead of Sovrimpressione, the water one becomes "Strato idrico", while the rest is left unchanged.

bvschaik commented 3 years ago

Hi @LuPoNe81, thanks for the corrections. For the overlay texts: Caesar 3 itself uses "tabella". I suppose that's the reason that the current translation uses that instead of "Sovraimpressione", which may be a more accurate term. Do you agree we should keep using "tabella" there?

LuPoNe81 commented 3 years ago

Hi @bvschaik , thanks for your reply and also for raising that question. While the original Caesar 3 uses the term "Tabella" in italian for an overlay it's conceptually wrong. I looked for Caesar 3 screenshots to show you what could essentially be described as a "Tabella" in the game (which is essentialy a chart, a scheme of data), and you can find it below: 00001163

So the term "overlay" translates to "Sovrimpressione" (I mispelled in my original reply, and will correct it now, apologies!), or alternatively in "Strato" (layer).

You could keep Tabella in order to be a direct representation of the original game, but it was conceptually wrong in my opinion.

catch220 commented 3 years ago

Sorry for delay. If translation still needed:

Disable right click to drag the map = Откл. перемещение по карте по клику правой кнопкой Highlight legion on cursor hover = Подсвечивать легион под курсором Clone building under cursor = Клонировать здание под курсором Construction hotkeys = Клавиши постройки зданий

To fix truncated string: Исправить баг Императора и времени выживания в "Конструкторе ..."

For Android (will try to check for PC in few days): upper menu item Advisors ("Советники") is overlaped with Den ("Ден.") on the right end of word. Can you fix it somehow? If not, I suggest to change wording to "Сенат" (Senate): this wording should fit the available space and this menu item is working like you click on the senate building, right? But this translation is far from accurate ((

Upd: optimised translation for "disable right click..."

bvschaik commented 3 years ago

@catch220 Thanks for the translations! Regarding the Advisors: it also happens on lower resolutions on PC. I've made the space between the items dynamic so everything now fits nicely: top = old code, bottom = new code: top-menu

catch220 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for "advisors", it was pretty annoying. Is there "Emperor and time bug" excluded intentionally from settings?

bvschaik commented 3 years ago

Yes, I removed that option today. See the commit message for the reason behind it.

crudelios commented 3 years ago

With the latest fixes and commits, we have no pending translation issues. Since this is a jurassic report with lots of comments, I'm closing this. We should open a new one if new translations are needed.