Closed mhogomchungu closed 10 years ago
Below volume properties maybe useful
[ink@mtz ~]$ zuluMount-cli -s -d /dev/sdc2
/dev/mapper/zuluCrypt-500-NAAN-sdc2-3459991661 is active and is in use.
type: tcrypt
cipher: aes-twofish-serpent-xts-plain64
keysize: 1536 bits
device: /dev/sdc2
loop: Nil
offset: 256 sectors / 128.0 KB
mode: read only
active slots: Nil
file system: vfat
total space: 1.6 GB
used space: 4.0 KB
free space: 1.6 GB
used%: 0.00%
UUID: "Nil"
mount point1: /run/media/private/ink/sdc2
mount point2: Nil
[ink@mtz ~]$
Well, I have no interest in making the backup headers compatible with TrueCrypt, really. tcplay backs up what needs backing up. TrueCrypt seems to back up two full sectors instead.
It seems to also be possible to create backup header files using libtcplay that are incompatible with tcplay binary.I was doing this in zuluCrypt 4.6.8 because i just checked created header files against only zuluCrypt and things worked and i just assumed everything was fine.
I do not think its a good idea to have multiple incompatible header files out these and it just doesn't look good when things fail against the "reference implementation".
well, I'd be interested in hearing more about the first one - where you say libtcplay can create a header that tcplay doesn't understand. I don't see how that's possible, but please do provide a testcase where that is the case.
Regarding compatibility with TrueCrypt - there is no way I'm changing the backup header format to something as braindead as what TrueCrypt does. If they do something stupid, that doesn't mean I have to do it - and I won't.
Whenever you have a test case for the first case, please open a new issue to track it. I'm closing this one.
I looked at how i was using the API and i think i was using it wrong.When a header is modified to a backup file and the new password is not given,an empty one is set.I did not expect this to happen and i never tried tcplay with the header file using an empty password.
I always suspected i was doing something wrong somewhere and thats why i opened bug number 53 but closed it because i wasnt sure of what i was talking about.
When modifying a header,I do not think its wise to silently set new passphrase to an empty one when the users of the API omit setting it because it allows users to do what i was doing,creating header files with an empty passphrase without knowing it.
truecrypt seem to create a 128 kilobytes header back up file while tcplay creates a 512 byte header backup file.
when restoring a header from a tcplay created back up using truecrypt,truecrypt complains that the size of the header backup is wrong.
tested with truecrypt 7.1a on linux