bwarren2 / datadrivendota

Codebase for dota analytics
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Cloudfront distro for the json shards. #566

Closed bwarren2 closed 8 years ago

bwarren2 commented 8 years ago

We have cloudfront up, but it is currently only serving js and css, ex . Currently, the js uses an s3 url for parse shards, meaning pages are slow for people far away. I don't know which configs need to change for this, or the price given our volume of json, but 13s is a long time for our marquee pages.

wlonk commented 8 years ago

Is this a matter of swapping out the domain part of the URL, to hide S3 behind CloudFront, so CloudFront can cache and CDNify things?

One caution: if I understand the model correctly, we won't gain tons on that, as users will usually be getting their own data, not general public data, meaning that we would need to prepopulate the CDN, not populate-on-request, and I think CloudFront, by default, does the latter.

bwarren2 commented 8 years ago

Can't deal with this right now.