bwarren2 / datadrivendota

Codebase for dota analytics
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Punchlist #622

Open wlonk opened 8 years ago

wlonk commented 8 years ago


Immediate things:

Partly investigated:

Later things:

Done things:

bwarren2 commented 8 years ago

Other things I can think of:

Use js + rest API to get the status of a given match request on the match detail pages. This circumvents caching and allows us to add custom state messages based on the status of the match request.

Some way to periodically cycle the url backends? This might not even be taking down the process, just having the process log out of steam and log back in.

Disentangle a match parse from an API call. Right now, if someone tries to import a match, a chain of ValveApiCall + other things is set up; this makes the entire process block on the api_call queue, which is rate limited and can be slow. (Maybe factoring out the logic of Valve Api Call into a parent class that gets Subcriber and NonSubscriber implementations, potentially with different key sets and queues? This would matter when we have paying users, ie not now.) The tricky logic here is that IIRC the match parsing does rely on the logic from the VAC to know which heroes to look for etc; maybe a separate queue for VACs that are blocking for parsing?