bwasti / vim-multiuser

a multiple user vim plugin
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Tmux & tmate #3

Closed mikeumus closed 10 years ago

mikeumus commented 10 years ago

Hey Guys, this was a awesome project at HackPSU. Have you seen these:

Cheers! :beers:

emgram769 commented 10 years ago

Hey thanks!

We actually used GNU's screen quite regularly to achieve essentially the same goal as outlined in your links. Unfortunately, sharing a screen session (with the multiuser on command) means only one person can be using it at a time. Splitting screens and setting up and autosave/autoread in VIM to see the live changes of the other user proved to be a hassle and didn't work very well. Another issue we ran into was the lack of root access on many machines, which often times disabled multiuser.

Our hack attempts to get around terminal multiplexing entirely, which 1) greatly simplifies the set up process: launch a server in VIM and someone else connects 2) reduces bandwidth by a much larger margin 3) allows simultaneous editing in different modes

We are sending a very primitive diff of the VIM buffer, but it is still way less data than the entire terminal frame buffer (tmate attempts to reduce this with gzip), and also doesn't cause data to be sent on scrolling, state change, terminal usage, etc.

We're both studying up for finals right now, but we hope to get a min edit distance solution (which we didn't want to implement and debug at a hackathon because we wanted to get this working pretty quickly and dynamic programming is still intimidating at our level, haha).

mikeumus commented 10 years ago

and thank you @emgram769 for your response. Well I like those three listed features. If I were a investor already I'd throw money at you two and say Docker all-the-things. Super excited to hear you guys plan to continue hacking on this during the summer. You should consider if it becomes stable enough to some sort of paid service. Maybe that's a good summer goal. Have you read the book "The Lean Startup", beta launches don't need to be perfect! ;)

Watching this now: Does Pair Programming have to suck?

Vim Multiuser may be a piece of infrastructure we can hack on as part of the HackTools toolset (thinking out-loud/fyi):

mikeumus commented 10 years ago

Hey @emgram769, was searching the nets and found

Which links to CoVim. I know what you guys are making is even lighter than what CoVim seems to be, but what we can see here is CoVim is pretty popular. :+1:

Honestly, I'm thinking of VIM-Multiuser integrations into apps all the time for how light it is transaction-wise. You guys should post a gittip or something. Has your summer started yet? :smile:


emgram769 commented 10 years ago

Hey, thanks for the reminder to even work on this (summer has started and I've been busy tinkering with other things).

I'm hoping to improve vim-multiuser with difflib (which I recently discovered)

mikeumus commented 10 years ago

difflib looks cool. Yeah I was working on something when Docker really changed things up. I assume you've likely seen, have you seen Platforms for Platforms. :smile: