Closed sandrinesuire closed 5 years ago
Thank you for reporting the issue. I'll try to investigate it tomorrow.
You're missing the curve
parameter to the seccure.passphrase_to_pubkey
method. You should have used:
msg = b'ttrMWDqBxjC8UAl8X4TRDSSpd1IyYMh4\n'
pw = b'my private key'
sig = seccure.sign(msg, pw, curve="secp224r1/nistp224") # sig = b'!?/<_u~1:5ZKif8@wD<rS~NaKpu-MIc.Q3e{(J_%i3xT:Bn(uLiGU@|lvs0Qv7Nq)Fi/W:'
pubkey = str(seccure.passphrase_to_pubkey(pw, curve='secp224r1/nistp224'))
print(seccure.verify(msg, sig, pubkey, curve="secp224r1/nistp224")) # == True
Thanks you very much for your quick answer. :-)
Since version 0.3.3 was changed, and after modifying # 16, I have the following problem:
if I take your test and its values, all is OK
version 0.3.2
version 0.3.3
But, now if I sign with the 224 curve and therefore uses the curve parameter of the verify method I have a False
version 0.3.2
version 0.3.3
I tested the same method without the curve parameter of the verify method, and I get a False to my print method