bwhmather / ssort

Tool for automatically sorting python statements within a module
MIT License
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Support Django coding style conventions #77

Open pawelad opened 1 year ago

pawelad commented 1 year ago


I really like the idea behind this library and think it could complement black, isort (and ruff) really well : )

Unfortunately, I can't use it on any Django projects because the enforced order is not compatible with Django's coding style:

The order of model inner classes and standard methods should be as follows (noting that these are not all required):

  • All database fields
  • Custom manager attributes
  • class Meta
  • def str()
  • def save()
  • def get_absolute_url()
  • Any custom methods

Would you be open to supporting it, either automatically (for example when django usage is found and inheritance from models.Model is detected) or possibly via some kind of --profile argument (similarly to how isort supports black profile)?

bwhmather commented 1 year ago

Hi Pawel! - Thank you for linking this. My reading is that there are three points of incompatibility:

  1. ssort moves class Meta above database field definitions and custom manager attributes.
  2. ssort splits d'under methods into lifecycle and other, whereas django lumps them all into "Any custom methods".
  3. ssort does not enforce the order of str, save, or get_absolute_url.

(Am I missing anything else?)

I think that we are unlikely to change 2 and 3. I'm quite happy with the current d'under sorting, and hard-coding non-special method names is likely to lead to confusion.

Changing 1 would be a significant break in compatibility, but I agree that putting classes under attributes does look better and it would be consistent with both the django and pydantic docs. I might consider it for the 1.0 release.

pawelad commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the late reply!

I think you summed up the problem really well and I agree with all your points.

Would you be open to implementing the "nested classes after attributes" and maybe hiding it behind a feature flag? You could then decide if you want that to be the default from v1 or it it would stay configurable.

Let me know if I can help in any way.