bwiggs / nvalt-prime

An nvALT Preview Theme on Steroids
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Community nvALT Usage #14

Open bwiggs opened 9 years ago

bwiggs commented 9 years ago

How do you use nvALT day to day? As a diary? Research Wiki? README documentation? I'd love to hear more about how and why the community uses nvALT.

ghost commented 9 years ago

I use nvALT :

bwiggs commented 9 years ago

Also made an index to stay organized (you know, when you have YEARS of diary entries)

@roylockhart So you have a diary index note that you have to manually add wiki link entries to?

Added clickable wiki links in the preview window. It's a simple script but it makes my life WAY easier

Would love to add this to nvalt-prime. Want to PR?

ghost commented 9 years ago

@bawigga Yes, I have a General Index for wiki links. Since I have a lot of diary notes, I created a separated index, which is in the General Index. Wikiception.

Sounds like a lot of work, but I don't need automation for that. I have templates :)

Would love to add this to nvalt-prime. Want to PR?

Yes of course :)

umeyuki commented 9 years ago

I use nvALT:

I'm looking forward a note application fit me for a long time.


nvalt-prime has every requirement.

You make my writing life!

dg2 commented 9 years ago

Hey @bawigga, thanks for your great work on nvalt-prime!! I keep tons of notes with both code and math on them, so I have extended nvalt-prime to support MathJax. It might not be everybody's cup of tea, as it brings in the 168M of the MathJax repo as a submodule so that's why I'm not sending a PR. Happy to contribute it if people find it useful.

dmorel commented 7 years ago

@bwiggs thanks for this useful addition. As a programmer, I use it as a simple way to take notes and have them available anywhere. I nearly exclusively use markdown syntax for everything I write now, and nvalt's very simple interface, lightness and great usability suits me just fine. Maybe some syntax coloring in the editing pane would be nice, but the great preview solves 90% of the (non-?)issue.