bwinton / SnoozeTabs

An add-on to let you snooze your tabs for a while.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Time input parser #374

Open mocanew opened 6 years ago

mocanew commented 6 years ago

The current time picker is very hard to use, with either the mouse or the keyboard.

I propose to use (at least) the time input parser from this repo. I would love to help you implement this.

johngruen commented 6 years ago

Feel free to make a pull request!

maxsu commented 4 years ago

I'd like something like android's time picker here - I haven't found a component here yet, but that's a todo.


Regarding the change, it looks like the relevant code site in the project is:


Goals here:

  1. Add an AM/PM picker
    • Reduce hour picker dropdown to a more manageable 12 entries
    • An easy warmup
  2. Document keyboard time entry + hotkeys
    • In the readme, or
    • In the popup, eg, though a help icon
    • I don't wanna have to do this, lol
  3. Add an analog time picker
    • Personal preference - I enjoy the UX
    • Not a "need to have", but possibly nice to have
    • Any second on this? Any component suggestions?

Related date picker stories that may fall out of scope of this time picker issue and may require new issues:

  1. To prevent scheduling tabs to busy times, user can quickly review their previously snoozed tabs as small icons in the Pick a Date/Time calendar view. The user hovers over these icons to see their names and restoration times, and clicks an item to quickly group the current tab with that item.

  2. (iffy, but cool) - In addition to existing snoozes, the user sees icons indicating calendar commitments. They can group snoozed items with calendar events to provide important resources relevant to that event; OR they can judiciously avoid unsnoozing tabs during an important scheduled work session.

    • Probably requires some hefty ical/caldav hax
    • Related feature (not sure if I'll make an issue of this): snooze items get sent to external calendar or todo app for review and possibly management. This is /very/ iffy.
caponica commented 4 years ago

It would be amazing to have a text box on the custom time screen that had focus by default. In that box you could either type a time (e.g. 1230 or 12:30) to snooze until that time, or an interval (e.g. "3m", "3h", "3d", "72d 3h 5m") and then press enter. If you don't want to use this then you can click, click, click, click, click, click, click on the selectors to pick a time the manual way.

The user experience would then be click icon, click custom, type "15m (enter)" and done. At the moment it is click icon, click custom, click time selector, click hours, click mins, click snooze... and that's without even changing the date.