bwinton / TabCenter

Firefox add-on for arranging tabs vertically
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Missing Close Button (X) #1099

Open HeavyBInary opened 7 years ago

HeavyBInary commented 7 years ago

Recently, probably since updating to 53.0.3 (Mac x64), new tabs created by ways other than by the "New Tab" option no longer get a close button.

The only way to then close those tabs is to use Command-W (equivalent to Ctrl-W on windows).

Restarting the browser temporarily "fixes" the problem, and it's happening on two separate Macs.

HeavyBInary commented 7 years ago

After playing with the problem for a couple of days, it seems to happen when tab names fail to truncate... to the width of the sidebar. It seems the Close Button is still there, just outside the bounds of the sidebar. This can lead to occasional medium-width tab names with half a close button appearing.

This actually highlights perhaps a bigger problem: When this problem occurs, it coincides with losing the ability to adjust the width of the sidebar. The handle appears for sliding, but it won't slide smaller or larger.

ericawright commented 7 years ago

I have seen this when the tabbar is resized very slim, but only then. Are you seeing it with a larger width?

CoreMoff commented 7 years ago

Happens for me all the time - my bar isn't that narrow:


ericawright commented 7 years ago

@CoreMoff, hmm, yeah on that screenshot the x button should definitely be showing up. And it definitely shouldn't be happening on v53. Do you have any other extensions installed, that may be interacting poorly with your tabs?

CoreMoff commented 7 years ago

I have:

I haven't tried disabling any, will do so and report back Disabled them all, which required a restart for HTTPS Everywhere, and the problem seemed to go away - enabled them all and it didn't come back. There may be some time element involved; will update again if I learn anything new

ericawright commented 7 years ago

Interesting, you're right it may have something to do with the order things were installed.