bwinton / TabCenter

Firefox add-on for arranging tabs vertically
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Disable vertical scaling #1106

Closed tostr7191 closed 7 years ago

tostr7191 commented 7 years ago

The tab bar auto scales vertically depending on window size and number of tabs. While this might be desirable for some interfaces, it is very confusing for me. It changes the text length (actually the more spacious display shows much less text, which is the most important part of the information) and makes everything jump around, take additional resources for rendering the thumbnail etc.

Is there some way to disable this feature? Would an option to configure it be something that you consider? (Maybe allow user to force one or the other?)

SoftVision-CiprianMuresan commented 7 years ago

Hi @tostrio, thanks for the report. However this is a dupe of #439. You can change the "extensions.verticaltabs.largetabs" pref in about config to "0" to force the tabs to be small all the time.

tostr7191 commented 7 years ago

@SoftVision-CiprianMuresan thank you for the info, that solves it completely for me!