bwinton / TabCenter

Firefox add-on for arranging tabs vertically
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outdated references to the Firefox Test Pilot area for installation of the extension #1118

Open grahamperrin opened 6 years ago

grahamperrin commented 6 years ago

From (2017-08-15):

available on Test Pilot

– and:

… free to install the add-on, …

– with reference to, from where the extension can no longer be installed.


Create and post a migration plan. · Issue #1102 · bwinton/TabCenter, where users (including me) were surprised by disappearance of the extension.

From (2017-06-19): under What's all this about sunsetting Tab Center? - Test Pilot / Tab Center - Mozilla Discourse:

… we may enable support for 55 …

I didn't realise, until now, that 55 is supported.