bwinton / TabCenter

Firefox add-on for arranging tabs vertically
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Browser Console error when disabling the add-on via Test Pilot #67

Closed pdehaan closed 8 years ago

pdehaan commented 8 years ago


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Log into and install the Tab Center add-on.
  2. Open the Browser Console (Tools > Web Developer > Browser Console)
  3. Disable the Tab Center add-on via Test Pilot.

    Actual results:

I'm seeing this error in the Browser Console logs:


17:15:35.130 Exception { message: "Component returned failure code: 0x…", result: 2147746065, name: "NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE", filename: "resource://tabcenter/verticaltabs.j…", lineNumber: 123, columnNumber: 0, data: null, stack: "VerticalTabs.prototype.installStyle…", location: XPCWrappedNative_NoHelper }1 utils.js:117

Slightly tricky to debug since it seems to trigger on uninstall. So the links are broken by the time you get the error (since the add-on is disabled). So re-enabling the add-on and clicking the "utils.js:117" link takes you here.

bwinton commented 8 years ago

I'm pretty sure I fixed this in 2d80d7957cab43d1d82c34ca622283f781cc020e, but I found another bug while testing…