bwinton / TabCenter

Firefox add-on for arranging tabs vertically
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Remove the titlebar, for more space… #717

Open bwinton opened 7 years ago

bwinton commented 7 years ago

It should look something like this on macOS:

screenshot 2016-10-20 11 07 24

(Added #verticaltabs-box { padding-top: 32px; } in the Inspector.)

and something like this on Windows:

screenshot 2016-10-20 15 12 08

(Added #nav-bar { margin-right: 138px; } in the Inspector.)

But if @phlsa or @shorlander disagree, go with their suggestions instead… :wink:

ChrisW-B commented 7 years ago

I've been maintaining a version similar to this in my spare time, if that helps. While the Windows version is exactly the same, I elected to shift the tab center down instead when not in fullscreen for OS X screen shot 2016-10-21 at 10 14 59 am

its here if you want to look at it ChrisW-B/TabCenter

bwinton commented 7 years ago

Yeah, @phlsa has been adamantly against putting the urlbar above the tabs (for similar reasons to us having the tabs above the urlbar in the regular layout), so we're probably not going to go in that direction… But thanks for the pointer! 🙂

ChrisW-B commented 7 years ago

I made a quick version of it by adding

#main-window:not([inFullscreen]):not([inDOMFullscreen]) #verticaltabs-box {

to OSX.css screen shot 2016-10-21 at 8 38 25 pm

But I think the main problem you'd have is what to do with the collapsed version screen shot 2016-10-21 at 8 38 34 pm If you were to go through removing the titlebar, I'd guess that you'd have to either extend the navigator toolbox backwards, make the collapsed section larger, or have some short of tetris/upside down L shaped section

JonasCz commented 7 years ago

Using it with Hide Caption Titlebar Plus on Linux works quite well, too:

screenshot at 2016-10-22 08 24 20