bwinton / TabCenter

Firefox add-on for arranging tabs vertically
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Add option to disable animations #740

Open heuripedes opened 7 years ago

heuripedes commented 7 years ago

I would like to request the addition of an option to disable animations, I don't mind if it's only available in about:config. The fadeout animation slows down middle-click tab closing and waiting for TabCenter to slide when you have it in "shrink" mode is really annoying.

benoit-pierre commented 7 years ago

As a workaround, for disabling up animations, I just added this in my "Custom css code" tab in Classic Theme Restorer: {
  animation: 0ms tab-fade-out !important;
} {
  animation: 0ms tab-fade-in !important;
.large-tabs {
  animation: 0ms large-tab-fade-out !important;
.large-tabs {
  animation: 0ms large-tab-fade-in !important;
} .tab-stack {
  transition: visibility 0ms 0ms !important;
Keith94 commented 7 years ago

Tab Center's fullscreen animation should also be disabled if browser.fullscreen.animate is set to false.