bwinton / TabCenter

Firefox add-on for arranging tabs vertically
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Closing Tabs Moving #875

Open hot-soup opened 7 years ago

hot-soup commented 7 years ago

When closing a lot of tabs, can the placement of the x button stay consistent, or can the list of tabs keep expanding so that a user doesn't have to move the mouse so often to close all the tabs?

ericawright commented 7 years ago

@hot-soup I'm confused by the issue here. So long as your mouse is inside of the Tab Center drawer the tabs will not change sizes, so the lower tab will slide up to replace the one just closed, meaning that the x button should always be in the same place without you having to move your mouse. Can you give me some more details on the issue - video would be helpful to better illustrate.

hot-soup commented 7 years ago

I'm at work, so video recording is out for the moment. I'll try it tonight on my home machine.

The issue arrives when the scroll bar is present on the tab list (for me thats about 30+ tabs....writing this makes me think I may be an outlier in this case). When I start closing tabs and the scroll bar is no longer needed, the "X" changes position ever so slightly.

ericawright commented 7 years ago

oh, yes that is definitely possible that it is re shifting when the scroll is no longer needed. can you tell me your os? I can't seem to reproduce it on mac.

hot-soup commented 7 years ago

I'm on Win7 at work, and Win10 at home.

fvsch commented 7 years ago

@hot-soup are you talking about a horizontal shift, or vertical shift, or both?

I think I can reproduce both, on Linux. On my setup, the scrollbar has its own space, rather than being a ghost scrollbar that overlays the content.

Horizontal shift:

  1. Open enough new tabs to make the scrollbar appear, and then some.
  2. Keep the tab list scrolled to the top.
  3. Place the cursor over the close button of a tab in the middle of the visible tabs.
  4. Click and close tabs until the scrollbar disappears.
  5. When the scrollbar disappears, the tabs grow larger, and the cursor is just a few pixels to the left of the next tab's close button.

Vertical shift:

  1. Open enough new tabs to make the scrollbar appear, and then some.
  2. Scroll to the bottom, but not completely, leaving the last tab half-visible.
  3. Place the cursor over the close button of a tab in the middle of the visible tabs.
  4. Click once.
  5. The scroll offset, respective to the bottom, changed, so the cursor ends up hovering the empty space below the next tab's close button.

This second issue seems to be normal behavior with scrollable content in Firefox. Only solution I can think of would be to write a custom scrolling system where the list of tabs is translated in JS (that way we can controll the scroll offset precisely) and the scrollbar is painted on top on all OSes. But that's not an easy solution (lots of work, lots of opportunity for regressions).

hot-soup commented 7 years ago

For me, it's just a horizontal shift.