bwinton / TabCenter

Firefox add-on for arranging tabs vertically
210 stars 56 forks source link

Conflict with Colorful Tabs #920

Open NormG1 opened 7 years ago

NormG1 commented 7 years ago

Colorful Tabs is a very popular add-on.

When used without Tab Center on the side, the tabs are colored per the preferences in Colorful Tabs and the text is BLACK.

Having Tab Center move the tabs to the side results in WHITE text which very hard to read.

There is no preference for tab text color that a novice could adjust.

So I can only assume this is a bug, either in Colorful Tabs or Tab Center

fvsch commented 7 years ago

So I can only assume this is a bug, either in Colorful Tabs or Tab Center

More like a case of “everyone does their own thing, and goes in different directions”. One of the two add-ons, or maybe both working together, could chose to actively be compatible with the other. But consider that each add-on already has to be compatible with standard Firefox theming, which includes:

So adding to this list of 4 things to be compatible with is probably not a priority, which is why TabCenter is incompatible with most add-ons which change or style the tab strip:

With its 200k users, maybe compatibility with ColorfulTabs is worth a look. But without a common strategy with the ColorfulTabs author it's hard to make a working fix.