bwlewis / irlba

Fast truncated singular value decompositions
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Expand fastpath to cover more sparse matrix classes #8

Open bwlewis opened 7 years ago

bwlewis commented 7 years ago

Currently limited to dgCMatrix, see and

Generalize this

bwlewis commented 7 years ago

Anyone want to help with this?

vspinu commented 7 years ago

What matrix classes do you have in mind? One obvious choice is slam. Another is RcppEigen sparse classes.

What is the expected benefit in terms of memory consumption of this? Is it worth it beyond user convenience?

I am coming to this because I am currently blown out of my 16GB memory on my 3GB matrix and my feeling is that because of the bloated Matrix package, but I might be wrong.

vspinu commented 7 years ago

There is also bigmemory/bigalgebra matrix as per #4.