Closed vkapartzianis closed 6 years ago
Handle Bootstrap tabs, the same way slides are handled (by subscribing to "shown" events). Use the following as a test:
library("shiny") library("threejs") plot.statistics <- function(n) { x_data <- runif(1000) y_data <- runif(1000) z_data <- x_data^n + y_data^n ui <- fluidPage( title = "x-y-z", fluidRow(column(width = 12, scatterplot3js(x = x_data, y = y_data, z = z_data, color = rainbow(length(z_data)), pch = ".", size = 0.2, labels = paste(z_data, " @ ", x_data, "_", y_data, sep = ""), axisLabels = c("x", "z", "y"), cex.lab = 0.2, cex.axis = 0.2, main = "x-y-z")))) return(list("tab.title" = paste("Surface ", n, sep = ""), "tab.content" = ui)) } tabs <- mapply(plot.statistics, n = c(1, 2, 3), SIMPLIFY = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE) tabPanels <- lapply(seq_len(length(tabs)), function(i) tabPanel(tabs[[i]]$tab.title, tabs[[i]]$tab.content)) ui <- fluidPage(title = "3d dynamic plots", mainPanel(, tabPanels))) browseURL(htmltools:::html_print(ui))
Thanks! Sorry it took a while to merge this, I get behind sometimes...
Handle Bootstrap tabs, the same way slides are handled (by subscribing to "shown" events). Use the following as a test: