bwssytems / ha-bridge

Home automation bridge that emulates a Philips Hue light system and can control other systems such as a Vera, Harmony Hub, Nest, MiLight bulbs or any other system that has an http/https/tcp/udp interface. This is a compact impl to run on small format computers. This is impl started from this project
Apache License 2.0
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wrong IP address from habridge #970

Closed Marianke closed 5 years ago

Marianke commented 6 years ago

After reinstalling habridge on my beaglebone (SD Card died :-( ) habridge always starts with IP but the address has to be something with 192.168.0.x ... I tried to change it in the config file using in udp.. but nothing changed...

Marianke commented 6 years ago

Even if I change the IP via java -jar -Dserver.ip= ha-bridge-W.X.Y.jar it says by starting habridge: 2018-06-29 12:25:51,345 [main] INFO com.bwssystems.HABridge.BridgeSettings - Adding as our default upnp config address.

Marianke commented 6 years ago

maybe this helps by fixing the problem?

2018-07-02 15:22:41,981 [main] INFO com.bwssystems.HABridge.HABridge - HA Bridg e startup sequence... 2018-07-02 15:22:42,136 [main] INFO com.bwssystems.HABridge.BridgeSettings - re ading from system properties 2018-07-02 15:22:42,193 [main] INFO com.bwssystems.HABridge.BridgeSettings - Ad ding as our default upnp config address. 2018-07-02 15:22:42,202 [main] INFO com.bwssystems.HABridge.HABridge - HA Bridg e (v5.2.0) initializing.... 2018-07-02 15:22:42,983 [main] INFO spark.staticfiles.StaticFilesConfiguration - StaticResourceHandler configured with folder = /public 2018-07-02 15:22:43,156 [main] INFO com.bwssystems.HABridge.SystemControl - System control service started.... 2018-07-02 15:22:43.695:INFO::Thread-0: Logging initialized @4808ms to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.StdErrLog 2018-07-02 15:22:44,678 [main] INFO com.bwssystems.HABridge.util.UDPDatagramSender - Initializing UDP response Socket... 2018-07-02 15:22:44,722 [main] INFO com.bwssystems.HABridge.util.UDPDatagramSender - UDP response Socket initialized to: 50000 2018-07-02 15:22:44,785 [main] INFO com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.http.HTTPHome - HTTP Home created. 2018-07-02 15:22:44,810 [Thread-0] INFO spark.embeddedserver.jetty.EmbeddedJettyServer - == Spark has ignited ... 2018-07-02 15:22:44,835 [Thread-0] INFO spark.embeddedserver.jetty.EmbeddedJettyServer - >> Listening on 2018-07-02 15:22:44,853 [main] INFO com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.harmony.HarmonyHome - Harmony Home created. No Harmony devices configured. 2018-07-02 15:22:44,875 [main] INFO com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.NestBridge.NestHome - Nest Home created. No Nest configured. 2018-07-02 15:22:44,890 [main] INFO com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.hue.HueHome - Hue passthru Home created. No Hue passtrhu systems configured. 2018-07-02 15:22:44.905:INFO:oejs.Server:Thread-0: jetty-9.4.z-SNAPSHOT 2018-07-02 15:22:44,914 [main] INFO com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.hal.HalHome - HAL Home created. No HAL devices configured. 2018-07-02 15:22:44,929 [main] INFO com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.mqtt.MQTTHome - MQTT Home created. No MQTT Clients configured. 2018-07-02 15:22:44,949 [main] INFO com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.hass.HassHome - HomeAssistant Home created. No HomeAssistants configured. 2018-07-02 15:22:44,961 [main] INFO com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.homewizard.HomeWizardHome - HomeWizard Home created. No HomeWizard gateways configured. 2018-07-02 15:22:44,979 [main] INFO com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.exec.CommandHome - Command Home for system program execution created. 2018-07-02 15:22:44,999 [main] INFO com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.tcp.TCPHome - TCP Home created. 2018-07-02 15:22:45,051 [main] INFO com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.udp.UDPHome - UDP Home created. 2018-07-02 15:22:45,065 [main] INFO com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.vera.VeraHome - Vera Home created. No Veras configured. 2018-07-02 15:22:45,080 [main] INFO com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.fibaro.FibaroHome - Fibaro Home created. No Fibaros configured. 2018-07-02 15:22:45,099 [main] INFO com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.domoticz.DomoticzHome - Domoticz Home created. No Domoticz devices configured. 2018-07-02 15:22:45,116 [main] INFO com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.somfy.SomfyHome - Somfy Home created. No Somfys configured. 2018-07-02 15:22:45,141 [main] INFO com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.lifx.LifxHome - LifxDevice Home created. No LifxDevices configured. 2018-07-02 15:22:45,173 [main] INFO com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.openhab.OpenHABHome - OpenHAB Home created. No OpenHABs configured. 2018-07-02 15:22:45,193 [main] INFO com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.fhem.FHEMHome - FHEM Home created. No FHEMs configured. 2018-07-02 15:22:45,316 [main] INFO com.bwssystems.HABridge.plugins.broadlink.BroadlinkHome - Broadlink Home created. No Broadlinks configured. 2018-07-02 15:22:45,481 [main] WARN com.bwssystems.HABridge.dao.DeviceRepository - Error reading the file: data/device.db - Does not exist or is not readable. continuing... 2018-07-02 15:22:45,563 [main] WARN com.bwssystems.HABridge.dao.GroupRepository - Error reading the file: data/group.db - Does not exist or is not readable. continuing... 2018-07-02 15:22:45,573 [main] INFO com.bwssystems.HABridge.devicemanagmeent.DeviceResource - HABridge device management service started.... 2018-07-02 15:22:45.979:INFO:oejs.session:Thread-0: DefaultSessionIdManager workerName=node0 2018-07-02 15:22:45.981:INFO:oejs.session:Thread-0: No SessionScavenger set, using defaults 2018-07-02 15:22:46.037:INFO:oejs.session:Thread-0: Scavenging every 660000ms 2018-07-02 15:22:46,186 [main] INFO com.bwssystems.HABridge.hue.HueMulator - Hue emulator service started.... 2018-07-02 15:22:46,203 [Thread-0] ERROR com.bwssystems.HABridge.HABridge - Could not start ha-bridge webservice on port [80] due to: Cannot assign requested address

DrMichael commented 6 years ago

Did you set the UPNP address correctly in "Bridge Control"? Is something else running on port 80? You could check with "sudo netstat -tulpen".

bwssytems commented 6 years ago

Well, unfortunately, that parameter on the command line overrides the listening port, but not the upnp config address. Once you have it started, it will be listening on the new ip for the web server. You need to go into the web portal for the ha-bridge and then set the upnp config address on the settings screen.

Marianke commented 6 years ago

stupidly I deleted habridge... and now after reinstalling i don't have any config webpage to open ....

tuicemen commented 6 years ago

if you deleted the data folder along with HA-Bridge all your setting will now be the defaults. IP is that of the device running HA-Bridge port 80 I believe starting HA-Bridge creates a new data folder and config file

Marianke commented 6 years ago doesn't.... from somewhere habridge Takes the wrong IP address...Always..i tried to install habridge several Times..

Tuicemen schrieb 04.07.2018 6:47 nachm. :if you deleted the data folder along with HA-Bridge all your setting will now be the defaults. IP is that of the device running HA-Bridge port 80 I believe starting HA-Bridge creates a new data folder and config file

tuicemen commented 6 years ago

HA-Bridge must be reading an old config file or possibly a backup. Do a search for the habridge.config file. If you've ever created a back up of the habridge configuration you should look for those files as well as it may be pulling info from that. however I'm guessing about that.

Marianke commented 6 years ago

root@beaglebone:~# find / -name habridge.config root@beaglebone:~#

There is no habridge.config on the beaglebone.. but still it says the wrong IP address... I've looked even for hidden data... nothing

bwssytems commented 6 years ago

So to have an habridge.config you will need to have saved it from the UI. If you have done that, then the relative path where the habridge.config is being written does not have the correct permissions on the filesystem.

bwssytems commented 6 years ago

this bug is to fix the upnp ip override from the command line