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Bloomberg Tame parents #1

Closed bxb100 closed 2 years ago

bxb100 commented 2 years ago

On Oct. 12, the State Council, China’s ultimate govern- ing body, issued a new guideline pushing for something similar. By 2035, the government vowed, the nation will have built a world-class vocational education system to develop highly skilled workers, with at least 10% of the entering class working toward a bachelor’s degree

国务院计划在 2035 年世界一流的职业教育体系, 会影响至少 10% 的可能会上大学的学生

Last year, close to 10 million students enrolled in undergraduate pro-grams, up 46% from a decade earlier. Last June, when the class of 2020 graduated, the unemployment rate for degree holders aged 20 to 24 was 19.3%, vs. the economy’s overall 5%, according to HSBC Holdings Plc.

去年, 有接近一千万的大学生, 比以往 10 年多了 46%. 2020 年, 20-24 大学生的失业率是 19.3% 对比社会总体才 5%, 真的是毕业即失业, 当然这不包括就职造假和考研的同学.

Last year, value added from manufacturing accounted for only 26% of China’s gross domestic product, a 6 percentage point drop from just a decade earlier.

去年, 制造业增加值仅占中国国内生产总值的26%, 比 10 年前降低了 6 个百分点.

Chinese society can be surprisingly rigid. Schools informally classify chil- dren as “golden babies,” “silver babies,” and “copper babies”—usually based on where they’re born and their parents’ wealth. China has enough golden babies, or those who can make it to Tsinghua University and will develop world-class semiconductor chips one day. It has plenty of copper babies, who work in construction and factories making low-end exports such as clothes and toys. But it lacks silver babies, who can manufacture the high-value tech gear that golden babies design.

国内不缺 '金铜' 孩子, 只缺 '银孩', 因为不上不下, 国内职业歧视导致父母都更愿意让孩子去补习班争取上大学, 而不是做高科技的制作业工人.

bxb100 commented 2 years ago

See in bilibili

外刊精读94 / Bloomberg / 双减政策 (难度低)

bxb100 commented 2 years ago

Tame Tiger Parents.pdf