bybit-exchange / pybit

Official Python3 API connector for Bybit's HTTP and WebSockets APIs.
339 stars 113 forks source link get_transaction_log doesn't support a CLASSIC account but the bybit api does #225

Closed pjrdata closed 3 days ago

pjrdata commented 1 week ago

get_transaction_log does not work for a classic account. It assumes a unified account and calls the bybit get_transaction_log function but for a classic account it seems it should use GET /v5/account/contract-transaction-log as per the doco it refers to here

pjrdata commented 1 week ago

based on the existing get_transaction_log function, I've created a new get_contract_transaction_log function to match contract_transaction_log in the bybit api. It required updates to these modules Testing has been nicely successful. I've downloaded my entire history for several subaccounts. Once I remember how to do a pull request I will send it through. Probably tomorrow

pjrdata commented 5 days ago

I created the pull request 4 days ago. Hopefully someone has a look at it.

dextertd commented 3 days ago