bylee20 / bomi

bomi - a powerful and easy-to-use multimedia player
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Interactive subtitle renderer #246

Open ivanbalashov239 opened 9 years ago

ivanbalashov239 commented 9 years ago

is it possible to make bomi sciptable like vlc?

bylee20 commented 9 years ago

Well, it's quite technicall question. First of all, why do you need it? If you need a feature, you can just request it.

bomi utilizes QML for user interface, so you may think it's scriptable. But, the API is mainly aimed for skin design, so what you can do is somewhat limited.

ivanbalashov239 commented 9 years ago

I was thinking about integration with anki, but has not yet decided how it should look like, ideally probably need to add all the words of the subtitle in Anki, verify the presence of base, etc. Question about scripting appeared after viewing solutions for vlc.

bylee20 commented 9 years ago

Because Qt can evaluate javascript(QML), if I support scripting functionality, it will be confined to javascript/QML only. However, there are tons of things to be done. The most difficult thing is to define public APIs. Even the skin API isn't fixed yet. But, it's defintely interesting idea.

bylee20 commented 9 years ago

When you saying 'scripting', what kind of functionality do you need? Evaluating a script by bomi would be easy. However, a script binding for bomi would be difficult, and I recommend writing a skin for such purpose. A descriptive pseudo code would be most helpful.

ivanbalashov239 commented 9 years ago

My case is clickable words in subtitles and call dictionary and etc.

bylee20 commented 9 years ago

Clickable words in subtitles 'by script'? I cannot even imagine what you are talking about. Do you want to make a 'click' by script?

ivanbalashov239 commented 9 years ago

no, i mean that when i will click word in subtitle, script will open this word in dictionary, or when i move mouse cursor to english language subtitle it will show native language subtitle, i just need interactive subtitles like here fore example(click to play video and then move cursor to subtitle and click the word)

bylee20 commented 9 years ago

This is not about scripting. This is not possible fundamentally unless I replace current subtitlte renderer with totally differerent thing. I'll keep this open but maybe it will take a long time till I start to work on this.

ivanbalashov239 commented 9 years ago

Ok, i'll solve it in external script, thanks.

mac1202 commented 9 years ago

Mpv natively support script, you can find some example here, maybe you could make bomi able to use them.

ahjolinna commented 9 years ago

VapourSynth scripts would be fun to use, like: " mvtools - Use MVTools's BlockFPS function to perform motion interpolation on the video in realtime."