bymavis / CAS_ICLR2021

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The code of analyze the activation #2

Closed zhhiyuan closed 2 years ago

zhhiyuan commented 3 years ago

In your paper, you analysis the magnitudes and the activation frequency of channel-wise activation(Figure1 and 2). I would be very grateful if you can share this part of the code.

bymavis commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the late reply. I was a bit busy in last few months. Sure, I will upload the frequency analyses code as soon as possible.

bymavis commented 2 years ago

Hi @bymavis, I have met the same problem. In Figure 1, is the magnitude of activation the same as the channel-wise activation? And in Figure 2, are you using 1000 samples to count the activation frequency? Did I understand correctly?

Yes, exactly. We use the channel-wise activation in Figure 1 and 1,000 samples from test set in Figure 2. The code is uploaded now. You can refer to the details.

zhhiyuan commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your sharing!