byorgey / BlogLiterately

Command-line tool for formatting and publishing blog posts.
GNU General Public License v3.0
19 stars 4 forks source link

Please consider joining stackage #18

Closed nomeata closed 9 years ago

nomeata commented 9 years ago


distribution package maintenance is much easier if there is a large set of packages that are consistent in their dependency choice. This is precisely what Stackage provides. It would help us (the Debian maintainers) a lot if you would add your package to stackage. explains how that works. The benefit for you is additional QA and notifications if one of your dependencies has upgraded.

Thanks, Joachim

DanBurton commented 9 years ago

+1. I haven't written to my blog in a long time, and my old BlogLiterately executable broke because I deleted the hsenv that it came from.

/home/dan/.hsenv_scratch/cabal/share/x86_64-linux-ghc-7.8.3/pandoc-citeproc-0.3.1/chicago-author-date.csl: openBinaryFile: does not exist (No such file or directory

So I went to rebuild it, but unfortunately BlogLiterately doesn't build against LTS Haskell, so I can't reuse all of those dependencies I've already installed.

I was able to build it in its own sandbox, but I had to wait for every. single. dependency to install. Whether you choose to join Stackage or not, it would be nice if you could at least be buildable with Stackage versions of dependencies.

byorgey commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the pokes. I do plan to add BlogLiterately to Stackage. Unfortunately, at the moment I am struggling to get BlogLiterately to work at all, which is why I have not updated it. Wordpress changed to only allow XMLRPC calls via https, so I am trying to upgrade haxr to support https. But I suppose I could still upload an updated version of BlogLiterately which at least could be used for converting blog posts to HTML even if it cannot be used to upload to Wordpress right now.

byorgey commented 9 years ago

I just realized (I had forgotten) that BlogLiterately was on Stackage, but had been temporarily removed due to my delinquency in updating it. I have now uploaded BlogLiterately- which builds with the latest everything, and it should be back in Stackage soon. It still does not work to upload posts to wordpress, but at least it can be used to generate HTML (or perhaps to upload to other blog platforms, I am not sure).