byorgey / BlogLiterately

Command-line tool for formatting and publishing blog posts.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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How to deal with block quotes? #29

Closed ivan-m closed 8 years ago

ivan-m commented 8 years ago

The downside of using bird tracks for literate Haskell is that the same syntax is used for block quotes by Pandoc in Markdown.

If I'm not using bird tracks, is it possible to disable my Markdown being parsed as if it did?

Note that there is a work-around of having a second line of the quote going onto the next line without a > as follows:

> line 1
  line 2
byorgey commented 8 years ago

Another workaround is to use actual <blockquote> HTML tags (possibly indented one space). But in any case it should be possible to add a flag for parsing as normal markdown without literate Haskell, I'll look into it.

byorgey commented 8 years ago

I added a flag, --no-lit-haskell, which lets you turn off the literate Haskell processing. Let me know if it works for you. Unfortunately you must give it as a command-line flag, i.e. you can't put it in a [BLOpts] block, since by the time you have read the file it is too late.

ivan-m commented 8 years ago

Ta. I'm happy enough using it from the command-line.