byorgey / haxr

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Support for https #4

Closed houshuang closed 9 years ago

houshuang commented 9 years ago

Would it be possible to add support for https?

byorgey commented 9 years ago

To be honest, I really have no idea. I'm committed to maintaining this code (i.e. make sure it continues to build with the latest GHC and with other libraries, etc.) but I did not write it and I am really not very familiar with it. Patches gladly accepted.

houshuang commented 9 years ago

It seems like HTTP-4000 is quite an old library, which explicitly does not support https. Both http-client and http-streams support https, but provide different APIs than HTTP, and thus would require quite a bit of rewrite (I haven't gone through to see how bad it would be). I'm a pretty fresh Haskeller, but doing something like that might be a fun project for me - however is it something you'd be interested in merging at all (providing tests pass etc) - if I could get it work?

byorgey commented 9 years ago

Yes, certainly.

byorgey commented 9 years ago

I'm happy to report this is now done (see and released to hackage as haxr-3000.11!