byrney / OwinUtils

Various utilities for Owin applications including hierarchical router and HTML5 EventSource
GNU General Public License v3.0
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ASPNET Core #1

Open zygimantas opened 8 years ago

zygimantas commented 8 years ago

Do you have any plans to port the utils, especially Server Sent Events, to the ASPNET Core?

byrney commented 8 years ago

I took a quick look at this today. Moving to project.json was mostly ok in vs2015 but not supported in

Once these are supported a project.json build looks workable.

Building against one (any) of the core frameworks I couldn't get working. It seems none of the Owin related nugets support them yet.

The first one, I was able to substitute Microsoft.Aspnet.Http.Abstractions to get IAppBuilder but I couldn't find a replacement for Microsoft.Owin (specifically the OwinContext class).

Once these things catch up and the toolchain stabilises I'll take another run at it.