byronknoll / cmix

cmix is a lossless data compression program aimed at optimizing compression ratio at the cost of high CPU/memory usage.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Artix(OpenRC) Freezing/Crashing whenever compressing bigger files (800KiB~) #56

Closed casualdegenerate closed 1 year ago

casualdegenerate commented 1 year ago

16GB Memory, 255GiB Swap. Intel i7-8700 (12) @ 4.600GHz

Issue: Using cmix causes my kwin(window manager) to freeze.

I have thoughts on it being a issue with CPU Usage, but I am new to Linux, so I don't know how to use these cpu limit tools or if that is the cause of the issue. If you recognize these symptoms and can reply back onto how to fix this that'd be nice. I had issues like this with other applications when they'd use up a lot of resources(I have a lot of swap, so i don't see memory being an issue here)

byronknoll commented 1 year ago

My guess is that this is due to memory usage. cmix RAM usage grows for larger files, so it makes sense that above 800KiB files you would start to reach the 16GB memory limit. I would not expect CPU usage to cause the window manager to freeze, but it seems possible that swapping memory could cause this behavior.

cmix is likely to be very slow with only 16GB RAM and relying on swap. 32GB is recommended. You can try running linux without a window manager (directly through command line) to see if cmix runs that way on your machine for larger files.

casualdegenerate commented 1 year ago

Issue solved, using server with 32GB of RAM for bigger files. It was a RAM storage issue most likely.

I can confirm this is likely because my swap was slow since it was from HDD. I've used my server which uses the same OS, and has 32GB of RAM and it works just like a charm. Will just use cmix on my server whenever doing bigger files for now while I wait for more RAM. Although, I will later try out using bigger files through just the terminal on my host machine to test if I am able to use cmix on this computer with just around 16GB of RAM, with a bit of swap for extra.

1667959348;Edit: I messed up my units in this comment and placed MB when it should have been GB