Closed byronwall closed 9 years ago
I did this one as well - where did the export modules go?
Sub SplitIntoColumns()
Dim rngInput As Range
Set rngInput = Application.InputBox("Select the range of cells to split:", Type:=8)
Dim c As Range
Dim strDelim As String
strDelim = Application.InputBox("What is the delimeter?", , ",", vbOKCancel)
If strDelim = "" Then GoTo errHandler
If strDelim = "False" Then GoTo errHandler
For Each c In rngInput
Dim arrParts As Variant
arrParts = Split(c, strDelim)
Dim varPart As Variant
For Each varPart In arrParts
Set c = c.Offset(, 1)
c = varPart
Next varPart
Next c
Exit Sub
MsgBox ("No Delimiter Defined!")
End Sub
I moved it all into a build script outside of the actual add-in. You should be able to run the scripts/create src from xlam
which is a batch file that calls a PowerShell script which uses COM to run an export macro in a separate build-manager.xlsm
file. That build script also exports the full xlam file to a folder (unzipping it) which allows for changes to the Ribbon to be tracked properly.
Hopefully that process works with your setup. I assumed PowerShell was universally available... hopefully that's right.
Clever. I'm pretty sure it will work. At work (where I do most of this) I snuck myself into the local admin group - so I can run it. My main machine at home is W7 as well. I keep github in dropbox.
Make sure you run the right script. One of those will delete your current xlam and replace it with the information stored in /src/
. The other will rebuild /src/
from your working xlam copy which then allows it to be committed with all of the changes apparent in full text (VBA in /code/
and Ribbon stuff in /package/customUI/
At some point I would like to remove the bUTL.xlam
binary from the repo to ensure that there can't be a mismatch between /src/
and the binary. The xlam file would move over to Releases here on GitHub and then development could take place from essentially plain text files. After updating the repo, you would run the file to create the xlam from source. (The VBA binary is also technically included in /src/package/
but it gets recreated in the build script)
I added the enter "y" to proceed
because I ran the wrong script once and erases some local changes.
Hopefully that makes sense.
This is a feature which needs to be able to take an input range like the other ones.