byt3bl33d3r / DeathStar

Uses Empire's ( RESTful API to automate gaining Domain and/or Enterprise Admin rights in Active Directory environments using some of the most common offensive TTPs.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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failed to start listener DeathStar #36

Closed whoot closed 6 years ago

whoot commented 6 years ago

Dont know if this is an DeathStar or Empire issue.

I followed the installation instruction, but i´m getting the following error messages:

From DeathStar:

DeathStar# ./ 
[*] Powering up the Death Star
[*] Created Death Star listener => {'error': 'failed to start listener DeathStar'}
[*] Polling for agents

From Empire:

 |   ____||   \/   | |   _  \  |  | |   _  \     |   ____|
 |  |__   |  \  /  | |  |_)  | |  | |  |_)  |    |  |__
 |   __|  |  |\/|  | |   ___/  |  | |      /     |   __|
 |  |____ |  |  |  | |  |      |  | |  |\  \----.|  |____
 |_______||__|  |__| | _|      |__| | _| `._____||_______|

       280 modules currently loaded
       0 listeners currently active
       0 agents currently active

(Empire) > - - [30/Oct/2017 16:42:40] "POST /api/admin/login HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [30/Oct/2017 16:42:41] "GET /api/listeners/DeathStar?token=azqy7s3l1sghzwbidwmudqodl46p1p5cxu0u3j9q HTTP/1.1" 404 -
[*] Starting listener 'DeathStar'
[!] Listener startup on port 8443 failed: global name 'sys' is not defined 
[!] Listener failed to start!
Liberator69 commented 6 years ago

Exactly the issue I'm having. I'm on the current versions (as of today) of Deathstar and Empire.

hausec commented 6 years ago

Also having this issue. I doubled checked that import sys is defined so I'm not sure why it's complaining. This is using the latest version of Empire (2.3)

ghost commented 6 years ago

Yeah, I just went down that route too hausec.

mavsec1337 commented 6 years ago

this issue is with the new version of empire and is easily solved by adding 'import sys' to the top of /opt/Empire/lib/listeners/

whoot commented 6 years ago

Confirmed and closed. Newest pull request fixed the issue.