byt3bl33d3r / DeathStar

Uses Empire's ( RESTful API to automate gaining Domain and/or Enterprise Admin rights in Active Directory environments using some of the most common offensive TTPs.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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DeathStar not Starting only starts get_loggedon #44

Closed jan85f closed 6 years ago

jan85f commented 6 years ago


I am facing an issue that after empire&deathstar are installed from your repos, empire gets started and deathstar also connects successful and creates its listener.

after generating a payload for the listener and executing it on a target, a beacon checks in. But then, the only Modul that starts is the UACBypass (and elevates privileges successful) and after it powershell/situational_awareness/network/powerview/get_loggedon

After that, nothing happens. no error. but also no "recon started" or lateral movement etc.

I am in a windows domain with 1dc, 1server and 1win10 workstation

here are my debug outputs form empire:

[root:.../localTest/Empire/DeathStar]# python3 -lp 80 --debug (master) [] Powering up the Death Star [] Created Death Star listener => {'success': 'listener DeathStar successfully started'} [*] Polling for agents [+] New Agent => Name: 6D23WBRA IP: HostName: WEF UserName: WEF\vagrant HighIntegrity: 0 [+] New Agent => Name: HTXLYM74 IP: HostName: WEF UserName: WEF\vagrant HighIntegrity: 1 [DEBUG] Agent: HTXLYM74 => Executed Module => success: True taskID: 13 msg: 'tasked agent HTXLYM74 to run module powershell/situational_awareness/network/powerview/get_loggedon' [DEBUG] Agent: 6D23WBRA => Executed Module => success: True taskID: 10 msg: 'tasked agent 6D23WBRA to run module powershell/situational_awareness/network/powerview/get_loggedon' [+] New Agent => Name: SX95G8V3 IP: HostName: WEF UserName: WEF\vagrant HighIntegrity: 0 [DEBUG] Agent: SX95G8V3 => Executed Module => success: True taskID: 1 msg: 'tasked agent SX95G8V3 to run module powershell/situational_awareness/network/powerview/get_loggedon' [DEBUG] Agent: SX95G8V3 => Result Buffer: {'results': 'wkui1_username wkui1_logon_domain wkui1_oth_domains wkui1_logon_server ComputerName\r\n-------------- ------------------ ----------------- ------------------ ------------\r\nvagrant WEF WEF localhost \r\nvagrant WEF WEF localhost \r\nWEF$ WINDOMAIN localhost \r\nWEF$ WINDOMAIN localhost \r\nWEF$ WINDOMAIN localhost \r\n\r\n\r\n\n\r\n\nGet-NetLoggedon completed!', 'taskID': 1} [+] Agent: SX95G8V3 => Found 1 users logged into localhost: ['WEF\vagrant']

NOTHING happens anymore, processes are up and respnsive I am running it on a kali2017.3 vmfusion

looking forward to your feedback. Best Regards, Jan

byt3bl33d3r commented 6 years ago

So, from the output it just seems that Deathstar couldn't find a path to DA. I'm pretty sure this isn't a bug.

However I suggest you try this again now that #50 has been merged which solves a plethora of problems.

If it keeps happening comment below.
