Closed Garados007 closed 1 year ago
I have done the function profiling if I call ShowTopFunctions
with 5000 instead of 50.
Total time: 1.21085, Time in Function code: 1.20737 (99.7%)
Top function percentages:
Function igortest-tracing-analytics.ipf GetTotals: 61%
Function igortest-utils.ipf NicifyTableText: 17%
Function igortest-tracing-analytics.ipf SearchHighestWithMeta: 10%
Annotated Top Functions:
Function: igortest-tracing-analytics.ipf igortest-tracing-analytics.ipf#GetTotals; Percent total 61%
[00] |static Function/WAVE GetTotals()
[00] | variable i, numWaves
[00] |
[00]* | TUFXOP_GetStorage/N="IUTF_TestRun" storage
[00] | numWaves = DimSize(storage, UTF_ROW)
[00] | WAVE/ZZ totals
[00]* | for(i = 0; i < numWaves; i++)
[00]* | WAVE/WAVE/Z entryOuter = storage[i]
[00]* | if(!WaveExists(entryOuter))
[00] | continue
[00] | endif
[00]* | WAVE entry = entryOuter[0]
[00]* | if(WaveExists(totals))
[60]****** | FastOp totals += entry
[00] | else
[01]* | Duplicate/FREE=1 entry, totals
[00] | endif
[00]* | endfor
[00] |
[00] | if(!WaveExists(totals))
[00] | Make/N=0/FREE=1 totals
[00] | endif
[00] |
[00] | return totals
[00] |End
Function: igortest-utils.ipf igortest-utils.ipf#NicifyTableText; Percent total 17%
[00] |static Function/S NicifyTableText(table, titleList)
[00] | WAVE/T table
[00] | string titleList
[00] |
[00] | variable numCols, numRows, i, j, padVal
[00] | string str
[00] |
[00]* | InsertPoints/M=(UTF_ROW) 0, 2, table
[00] | numCols = min(DimSize(table, UTF_COLUMN), ItemsInList(titleList))
[00] | for(i = 0; i < numCols; i += 1)
[00]* | table[0][i] = StringFromList(i, titleList)
[00] | endfor
[00] |
[00] | numCols = DimSize(table, UTF_COLUMN)
[00] | numRows = DimSize(table, UTF_ROW)
[00]* | Make/FREE/N=(numRows, numCols)/D strSizes
[00] |
[00]* | strSizes = strlen(table[p][q])
[00] |
[00]* | for(j = 0; j < numRows; j += 1)
[00]* | padVal = j == 1 ? 0x2d : 0x20
[02]* | for(i = 0; i < numCols; i += 1)
[00] |#if IgorVersion() >= 7.00
[13]* | WaveStats/Q/M=1/RMD=[][i, i] strSizes
[00] |#else
[00] | Make/FREE/N=(DimSize(strSizes, UTF_ROW)) strSizeCol
[00] | strSizeCol[] = strSizes[p][i]
[00] | WaveStats/Q/M=1 strSizeCol
[00] |#endif
[01]* | table[j][i] = num2char(padVal) + PadString(table[j][i], V_Max, padVal) + num2char(padVal)
[00]* | endfor
[00]* | endfor
[00] |
[00] | str = ""
[00]* | for(j = 0; j < numRows; j += 1)
[00]* | for(i = 0; i < numCols; i += 1)
[00]* | str += table[j][i] + "|"
[00]* | endfor
[00]* | str += "\r"
[00] | endfor
[00] |
[00] | return str
[00] |End
Function: igortest-tracing-analytics.ipf igortest-tracing-analytics.ipf#SearchHighestWithMeta; Percent total 10%
[00] |static Function/WAVE SearchHighestWithMeta(WAVE/T procs, STRUCT CollectionResult &collectionResult, variable sorting)
[00] | variable i, searchIndex, metaIndex
[00] | string msg
[00] |
[00]* | Make/FREE=1/N=(collectionResult.count, 5)/T result
[00]* | SetDimLabel UTF_COLUMN, 0, 'Function Calls', result
[00] | SetDimLabel UTF_COLUMN, 1, 'Sum of called Lines', result
[00]* | SetDimLabel UTF_COLUMN, 2, Procedure, result
[00] | SetDimLabel UTF_COLUMN, 3, Function, result
[00]* | SetDimLabel UTF_COLUMN, 4, Line, result
[00] |
[00] | if(sorting == UTF_ANALYTICS_CALLS)
[00] | WAVE searchWave = collectionResult.calls
[00] | searchIndex = 0
[00] | WAVE metaWave = collectionResult.sums
[00] | metaIndex = 1
[00] | elseif(sorting == UTF_ANALYTICS_SUM)
[00] | WAVE searchWave = collectionResult.sums
[00] | searchIndex = 1
[00] | WAVE metaWave = collectionResult.calls
[00] | metaIndex = 0
[00] | else
[00] | sprintf msg, "Bug: Sorting %d is not supported", sorting
[00] | IUTF_Reporting#IUTF_PrintStatusMessage(msg)
[00] | return result
[00] | endif
[00] |
[00]* | for(i = 0; i < collectionResult.count; i++)
[09]* | WaveStats/M=1/Q searchWave
[00]* | if(V_max <= 0)
[00]* | Redimension/N=(i, -1) result
[00]* | return result
[00] | endif
[00]* | result[i][searchIndex] = num2istr(V_max)
[00]* | result[i][metaIndex] = num2istr(metaWave[V_maxRowLoc][V_maxColLoc])
[00]* | result[i][2] = procs[V_maxRowLoc]
[00]* | result[i][3] = collectionResult.functions[V_maxRowLoc][V_maxColLoc]
[00]* | result[i][4] = num2istr(collectionResult.lines[V_maxRowLoc][V_maxColLoc])
[00]* | searchWave[V_maxRowLoc][V_maxColLoc] = NaN
[00]* | endfor
[00] |
[00] | return result
[00] |End
I think, we can keep the rest of the implementation as it is.
Thanks, a factor of 40 is enough for now I guess.
Optimize the runtime of
. The old function profiling result showed this:The new function profiling result shows this:
This small fix makes
about 39 times faster!Close: #456