bytebin / deepworld-gameserver

The Deepworld multiplayer gameserver
40 stars 10 forks source link repository not found #1

Open ZufengW opened 5 years ago

ZufengW commented 5 years ago

The repo referenced in the Gemfiles is not accessible.

jsonperl commented 5 years ago

Yep that had a few minor functions but one of them was acting as the vault for passwords and such, so we’re not opening that up. Is there something in particular you’re looking for?

ZufengW commented 5 years ago

I just wanted to install dependencies and run something (e.g. the tests). I tried commenting out the deepworld-shared line and skipping that but I had issues with some of the other dependencies. Maybe my version of Ruby (2.5.0) is too new.

jsonperl commented 4 years ago

I'll try and shim the shared project and update ruby at some point so the specs can run. No guarantees when though!

patc4 commented 4 years ago

trying to run the server to show some friends this game, even though it is shut down, i still wanted to show it to them so i am trying to run the server files. i keep getting stuck at this part though, any way around it?

edit; yes i know, necropost, but still need to know.

jsonperl commented 4 years ago

trying to run the server to show some friends this game, even though it is shut down, i still wanted to show it to them so i am trying to run the server files. i keep getting stuck at this part though, any way around it?

edit; yes i know, necropost, but still need to know.

We haven't done it yet, sorry. But it's not gonna quite get ya there, you'd need a bunch of other subsystems that aren't that interesting to open-source or easy to run. And a dev build of the game that could connect to a local setup. We appreciate the interest!

kuroppoi commented 3 years ago

Sorry to dig this up again, but there's a few things that I am unable to find. The Game Configuration appears to be incomplete; some fields from the items config are missing (such as layers and titles.) Adding these isn't much of a problem, but it opens up the possibility of other (perhaps more important) things to be missing as well. I also haven't been able to find any code responsible for generating new zones (I'd guess it was a seperate program taking care of that,) and that is something I am quite interested in.