bytecode77 / living-off-the-land

Fileless attack with persistence
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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No longer works in Windows 11? #11

Closed AlizerUncaged closed 1 year ago

AlizerUncaged commented 1 year ago

Seems like this is patched in Windows 11, calling run() from WScript.Shell results in Access is denied. image

Edit: Why do we have to use mshta anyways? Can't we just directly spawn a Powershell process?

Edit 2: Oh look at that it's also issue #11, lol.

bytecode77 commented 1 year ago

I ran this in Windows Terminal and it popped up another tab in the terminal with a fresh powershell window. Also the binary from my website seems to work.

mshta "javascript:close(new ActiveXObject('WScript.Shell').run('powershell'))"

Do you have more info for me or anything else going on on your system so that it works here but not on your machine? In particular, did you try to deactivate your AV?

By the way from tomorrow on until 20. April I'm out of town, but I will catch up with you afterwards.

MurylloEx commented 1 year ago

image image image

Seems like Windows Defender is now blocking this script.

bytecode77 commented 1 year ago

Might be... Since this repo is public, the executable sure is detectable. The same applies to all of my projects hosted here. If you need it undetectable, you need to apply changes until it no longer is detected - and not share your work with others.


Why do we have to use mshta anyways? Can't we just directly spawn a Powershell process?

You can. But the powershell window is briefly visible and mshta is the way I fixed this.

AlizerUncaged commented 1 year ago

Looks like it's not only mshta as well, I tried

powershell -NoExit [System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load([Microsoft.Win32.Registry]::CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Phone").GetValue("Country")).EntryPoint.Invoke($null, @($null))

But now I get image

AlizerUncaged commented 1 year ago

Alright so I was able to solve the problem by disabling Defender via the dropper itself, it does it by adding a new DWORD named DisableWinDefender at Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender and settings its value to 1, I can finally spy on my girlfriend again, thanks!

bytecode77 commented 1 year ago

This script contains malicious content and has been blocked is an error caused by an AMSI detection. If you do Assembly.Load() in .NET, the framework will send the binary to AV for analysis via AMSI. So it's rather a detection issue, not a defunct executable.

There are some AMSI bypasses around, however it's tricky to do that using just 260 characters. In my other project, r77, I'm using a scheduled task that does not have that limitation, for example.