bytecodealliance / cargo-component

A Cargo subcommand for creating WebAssembly components based on the component model proposal.
Apache License 2.0
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Build Failure with Inline WIT with `wit-bindgen` #188

Open tqwewe opened 10 months ago

tqwewe commented 10 months ago


There's an inconsistency when building a project with inline WIT definitions using cargo component build. It fails under cargo component but succeeds when manually building with cargo and wasm-tools with wit-bindgen given the following

    inline: r#"
        package component:guest;

        world example {
            export example: interface {
                hello-world: func() -> string;
    exports: {
        "example": Component

use exports::example::Guest;

struct Component;

impl Guest for Component {
    fn hello_world() -> String {
        "Hello, World!".to_string()

Reproduction Steps

Manual Build with Cargo and wasm-tools

  1. Build for wasm32-wasi target:
    cargo build --package guest --target wasm32-wasi
  2. Create the component with wasm-tools:
    wasm-tools component new ./target/wasm32-wasi/debug/guest.wasm -o ./target/wasm32-wasi/debug/guest.wasm --adapt ./wasi_snapshot_preview1.wasm
  3. Run the host package and observe successful Hello, World! message:
    cargo run --package host

Build with Cargo Component

  1. Clean previous builds:
    cargo clean
  2. Build with cargo component:
    cargo component build --package guest
  3. Observe failure when running the host package:
    cargo run --package host

Expected Behavior

Both build methods should successfully compile and run the project, displaying Hello, World! regardless if we use a wit directory with cargo_component_bindings or wit-bindgen.

Actual Behavior

The build succeeds with manual steps but fails with cargo component.

Additional Information

Repository Link: GitHub Repository

Is this intended behaviour? I think it would be ideal if we can just use cargo component with wit-bindgen as an easy way of building wasm components, though it seems like we need to stick to the structure of having a wit directory along side our src directory.

peterhuene commented 10 months ago

Could you provide the build error you're encountering?

peterhuene commented 10 months ago

The guest project is missing the package metadata that marks it as a component project; currently cargo-component does not attempt to componentize just any wasm target outputs.

If you add [package.metadata.component] to your guest's Cargo.toml, does that workaround the issue?

tqwewe commented 10 months ago

Could you provide the build error you're encountering?

Ah sorry I forgot to add this :facepalm: I get an error from wasmtime loading the wasm module:

thread 'main' panicked at host/src/
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: failed to parse WebAssembly module

Caused by:
    attempted to parse a wasm module with a component parser
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

If you add [package.metadata.component] to your guest's Cargo.toml, does that workaround the issue?

It does! However, would cargo component be willing to change this behaviour and add the component metadata no matter if the [package.metadata.component] is present?

The reason being is that:

esoterra commented 9 months ago

Why wouldn't they use cargo component new which sets both the crate-type and adds the required [package.metadata.component] section? As a bonus, it also gives them the opportunity to configure different cargo component values with arguments (e.g. package name, editor, vcs).

Alternatively, they could just use a template you create so you can embed your thalo macro call for them.

tqwewe commented 9 months ago

Why wouldn't they use cargo component new

It would indeed be nice, however it also generates the wit directory, and adds cargo-component-rust to the dependencies, etc. These things aren't needed in my case. I don't want them to be concerned with wit files or anything like that, as my library handles it all.

Alternatively, they could just use a template you create so you can embed your thalo macro call for them.

Also a nice idea, but I wanted to keep things as simple as possible for them. So it's just a regular rust crate, and they need thalo as a dependency. The only complicated thing would be that they need to add the crate-type, but that's just a rust thing with wasm.

As I mentioned, isn't it a little strange to have the behaviour of the cargo component build silently not generate a wasm component if the meta is not defined? If someone uses the cargo component build command then I'd say it's safe to assume they're definitely expecting the resulting wasm to be a valid wasm component

peterhuene commented 6 months ago


With cargo-component 0.9.0, it now componentizes any core module that has bindings type information present (where previously it required [package.metadata.component] to be present in Cargo.toml for it to componentize).

Please review the release notes as there were quite a few breaking changes relating to bindings in that release.