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wit/bindgen: JSON serialization support for record types #239

Open lxfontes opened 2 weeks ago

lxfontes commented 2 weeks ago

This started in

Goal: JSON Serialize / Deserialize WIT Records based on WIT field names.



Centralize JSON serialization in the cm package, keeping codegen changes to a minimum.

Given a complex record type:

  record response {
      headers: list<tuple<string, list<string>>>,
      http-code: u16,
      body: response-body
  variant response-body {
  record list-element {
      optional-int: option<u64>,
      optional-bool: option<bool>,
  record function-error {
      error: string
  record platform-error {
    code: string,
    message: string

and filling it up:

    hdrVals := cm.ToList([]string{"value1", "value2"})
    hdrTuple := cm.Tuple[string, cm.List[string]]{
        F0: "header-name",
        F1: hdrVals,
    headers := cm.ToList([]cm.Tuple[string, cm.List[string]]{hdrTuple})
    v := somefunctioninterface.Response{
        Headers:  headers,
        HTTPCode: 200,
        Body:     somefunctioninterface.ResponseBodyErr(somefunctioninterface.FunctionError{Error: "failed"}),

We should serialize it to JSON as:


For comparison, this is what is produced today:


Type encoding

Whenever possible, reuse standard mappings. string -> string, u32 -> uint32, etc.

Tuple handling

Tuples are encoded as json arrays with explicit nulls.

Tuple[string,int] -> [ "some string", 42 ]
Tuple3[string, *string, int] -> [ "some string", null, 42 ]

Variant handling

Variants are encoded as json dictionaries, so they can carry the variant data.

 record somerecord {
   myvariant: somevar,
  variant somevar {

{ "myvariant": { "ok": true }}
{ "myvariant": { "error": "error value" }}

Option handling

Options rely on explicit null for the "None" case.

{ "myoptional": null } // cm.None
{ "myoptional": "this" } // cm.Option[string]


Zero Value Variants

Today they end up with tag = 0, this impacts de-serialization of variants. We need the ability to distinct between:

atm only the Some() path de-serializes correctly ( pointers ).

ydnar commented 2 weeks ago

Can we move the design and task list for this to an issue?

Then we can have discrete PRs that implement JSON support for different types?