bytecodealliance / javy

JS to WebAssembly toolchain
Apache License 2.0
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Restructure the CLI #702

Open saulecabrera opened 1 month ago

saulecabrera commented 1 month ago

This proposal suggests a restructuring of Javy's CLI interface to:

Command Flexibility

Javy currently offers a wide range of configuration options that control the JavaScript language features available to the generated code. However, there are limitations:

Semantically Meaningful Commands, Sub-Commands and Options

The CLI currently features two main commands: compile and emit-provider. The compile command does not accurately reflect its actions and could be better named to represent actual AOT compilation of JavaScript, a feature we plan to explore in the future.


The high-level proposal includes:

CLI Interface

The proposal suggests, according to the bullet points above, to have the new build command look like:

$ javy build --help

Builds a Wasm module from a JS source
Usage: javy build <OPTIONS> <JS>

  <JS> The JavaScript source to be used as input for building the WebAssembly module.


-J, --js <KEY[=VAL[,..]]> JavaScript runtime options.
-D, --debug <KEY[=VAL[,..]]> Debug options.
-C, --codegen <KEY[=VAL[,..]]> Code generation options (the current `-d` and `wit` options)
-o, --output The path of the Wasm module.

For example, in order to control the name section generation, one could do:

javy build -D generate-name-section=true -o index.wasm index.js

The suggested CLI layout, takes inspiration from Wasmtime's CLI layout, which, I think offers multiple benefits, notably:

Proposed order of operations

jeffcharles commented 1 month ago

A few questions to start:

  1. Where does the current -d flag fit in on the new interface?
  2. Is it fair to say the difference between the -J and -D groups are the -D options have more to do with the content of the Wasm that's created and the -J group of options have to do with intrinsics that are made available?
  3. Is the idea that the -J option group will impact the provider that's produced when running emit-provider?
saulecabrera commented 1 month ago
  1. Updated the OP; I'm currently thinking under a -C, --codegen group.
  2. I intend the -D group to control debug options around code generation. Alternatively, merging the -D options under the -C group could also work. For -J your interpretation is correct.
  3. It could, however, I consider that change to be out-of-scope for this proposal.
saulecabrera commented 1 month ago

It could, however, I consider that change to be out-of-scope for this proposal.

More explicitly for this proposal, I'm intending to validate that the option groups specified through -J are in agreement with the JS options enabled by default in the provider when -C dynamic=true is specified.

jeffcharles commented 1 month ago

1. Updated the OP; I'm currently thinking under a -C, --codegen group.


2. I intend the -D group to control debug options around code generation. Alternatively, merging the -D options under the -C group could also work. For -J your interpretation is correct.

Merging them would help to avoid unproductive discussions about when a new codegen-related flag is actually a debug flag or the opposite.

3. [...] I'm intending to validate that the option groups specified through -J are in agreement with the JS options enabled by default in the provider when -C dynamic=true is specified.

That makes sense for now.

konradkoschel commented 2 weeks ago

Hi SaΓΊl,

I have one question (or feature request) regarding the CLI refactoring. As the Javy-CLI npm package was recently deprecated, would it be possible to release the javy-cli crate on similar to the javy crate itself?

Ideally, the crate would also include a to be consumable as a library. I think this would be comparably simple to implement.

Technically, as a fully-fledged replacement for the npm package, a new wrapper using could be created, where the workaround (downloading the binary from Github and executing it in a child-process) is no longer needed. I see the point that this does introduce a lot more implementation efforts for sure though.

Would love to hear your opinion on these suggestions πŸ˜€

I'd be open to support this also.

jeffcharles commented 2 weeks ago

Would you be open to describing how you were using the javy-cli NPM package and how you would use a Rust crate around the CLI layer? I just want to understand the use case better.

konradkoschel commented 2 weeks ago

Would you be open to describing how you were using the javy-cli NPM package and how you would use a Rust crate around the CLI layer? I just want to understand the use case better.

Hi Jeff,


I am creating tooling around the Javy CLI. This means that I create a wrapper wherein as part of the overarching build also the Javy CLI is used. As this wrapper is an npm package, we used the now deprecated javy-cli npm package to only download the appropriate platform-specific binary instead of vendoring all of them and routing function calls at runtime.

As the Javy-CLI is used as one part in a bigger build process, we effectively use it as a library which the existing npm package kind of simulated (as it effectively delegated the function calls to child process invocations of the binary builds).

Such use cases would be much simplified if the APIs the Javy CLI provides as an executable were also available as a library. And of course, publishing the CLI crate on would be very helpful as it could then be used as a dependency.

In my particular (and surely special) case where ultimately an npm package is created, I could set the javy-cli-lib crate as a dependency in a project where or a different technology is used to transform it into a native Node Addon. If javy-cli is published as a crate, this can be done independently and without "polluting" the main Javy repository. Without, only forking/vendoring or techniques as used in the deprecated package are possible.

From technological point of view, it should also be quite easy as Rust allows one library crate and one-to-many binary crates per project. If and are implemented well, then they could be small layers on top of a shared core ensuring consistent APIs and very little extra maintenance. Arguably this kind of separation is already mostly achieved in the code.

Also for using the Javy CLI standalone – without a wrapper use case – publishing it is beneficial as consumers could simply install it via cargo cargo install javy-cli, upgrade it and use it. Downloading the binaries manually works fine but certainly is a little bit less convenient due to manual upgrades, PATH handling, etc.

I hope this describes the use case and motivation a bit better, otherwise feel free to come back to me. I am happy to discuss :)

jeffcharles commented 2 weeks ago

Okay, it sounds like you use a Javy binary inside a cross-platform Node (or Node-API compatible) application and would like a way to get either a single binary that's compatible for whatever the current platform is or get an embeddable library you can call into. Is that correct?

it should also be quite easy

It's actually a bit more complicated πŸ˜…. Cargo/Rust don't really have a great way of expressing that a Rust crate targeting a native architecture has a dependency on a Rust crate that should be compiled to Wasm as is the case with a native javy-cli crate depending on javy-core compiled to Wasm. As such, the javy-cli Rust crate build process currently requires the library version and the command version of javy-core Rust crate compiled to WASI preview 1 to exist on the filesystem in particular locations. For the time being, we use a Makefile to model this. A build script in javy-cli isn't recommended to model this because it would involve Cargo recursively calling itself to build the core crate into the two artifacts first.

saulecabrera commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @konradkoschel -- just wanted to add a bit to what Jeff mentioned above. In general, I agree that it would be useful to have the javy-cli published in, given that:

  1. We've deprecated the javy-cli
  2. It'd be ideal to be able to cargo install javy-cli
  3. Publishing a Rust version the CLI, rather than an npm wrapper requires less maintenance effort to keep features in sync.

As mentioned in the previous comment, the biggest wrinkle here is probably figuring out a way to model the dependency between the javy-cli crate and the Wasm artifact produced by the javy crate. Something like the artifact dependency RFC would come handy in this situation, unfortunately, it's still a work-in-progress. There are work arounds that are maybe worth trying, like having a custom pre-publish script to ensure that all the artifact dependencies are met.

In general I wanted to say that I'm personally in favor of publishing the CLI to However, I don't have the bandwidth to take this feature on at the moment, but we welcome contributions. If you'd like I can help guide the development and review PRs. If that's the case, a good first step could to open an issue so that we can discuss and agree on a path forward.

konradkoschel commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you two for the answers! I fully understand the issue with the WASM dependency – this makes it a lot more complicated than thought for sure.

I'll make up my mind on how to best address this and if also my bandwidth allows it, I'll try to prepare a PR πŸ‘