bytecodealliance / sightglass

A benchmark suite and tool to compare different implementations of the same primitives.
Apache License 2.0
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Comparing architectures #255

Closed matsbror closed 1 year ago

matsbror commented 1 year ago

I have run most sightglass benchmarks on x86_64 (on laptop), on ARM65 (Nvidia Jetson board) and on RISCV64 (VIsionFive64 board) and find that the cycle-times are so different. The number of cycles for all phases are 1-3 orders of magnitude larger for x86_64 than for the other architectures. See figure below (note log scale on y-axis).

I wonder if there is a difference in how cycles are measured for the three different architectures. I will delve into the source code, but if someone has a ready made answer it would be great to take part of it.


fitzgen commented 1 year ago

Do you see similar cycle numbers using the -m perf-counters option? That uses the perf_event_open API, while our default cycles measure uses some crate with architecture-specific inline asm that I don't necessarily trust as much.

matsbror commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately, I have not yet been able to run with this interface. It's on my list to do.

matsbror commented 1 year ago

I could not get the performance counters in sightglass-cli to work so I ran it with the perf stats command line tool. This is what I got:

$ perf stat -e cycles target/release/sightglass-cli benchmark  --engine engines/wasmtime/ --processes 1 --pin   -- benchmarks/spidermonkey/benchmark.wasm 
      [16715434572 16823312253.40 16847510374] engines/wasmtime/
      [392988 508229.80 749048] engines/wasmtime/
      [824692334 828807012.60 834214406] engines/wasmtime/

 Performance counter stats for 'target/release/sightglass-cli benchmark --engine engines/wasmtime/ --processes 1 --pin -- benchmarks/spidermonkey/benchmark.wasm':

        16,261,475      cpu_core/cycles/                                              (21.24%)
   242,257,066,898      cpu_atom/cycles/                                              (99.99%)

      60.716844846 seconds time elapsed

      60.455452000 seconds user
       0.255980000 seconds sys

I need help interpreting this as I do not see any correleation between the cycles reported by sightglass and the cycles reported by perf stat . It seems as if the atom cpu was used instead of the more powerful core. Is there a way to direct which cpu to use?

abrown commented 1 year ago

Recall that Sightglass attempts to precisely measure each WebAssembly phase: compilation, instantiation, execution. So the results from Sightglass above are averages for each phase. You set --processes 1 but by default --iterations-per-process will run through the phases 10 times. So I would expect that if you multiplied each phase by 10 and added them together, you might see close results to perf, minus any minimal Sightglass infrastructure cycles that run between the phases.

As you probably observed, --pin only really keeps the workload on the core it was assigned to. You might want to try something like taskset --cpu-list <?> to select which core to use. Also, @jameysharp wrote a good guide for truly isolating a single core which you can find here.

matsbror commented 1 year ago

So I have some new data here. I managed to run sightglass with performance coutners on all three architectures (x86_64, aaarc64 and riscv64). It was not always easy. In particular for risdv64 I had to find un-merged pull-requests of the precision and perf-event crates, but in the end I managed to run most benchmarks.

Here is the graph of cycle coutns using performance counters instead of the default cycle measurement. LOG_Three-phase_counters

To me it makes much more sense than the one I included above. Given that the x86_processor I am using (i7-13800H) is a highly efficient processor in terms of instruction level parallelism, it is reasonable it has the lowest cycle count followed by the ARM64 processor in the Tegra TX2 board I am using and finally the StarFive RISCV processor in the VisionFive boards which is on the low-end of instruction level parallelism.

I am not ready to close this issue yet because, why is the default measurement of cycles in sightglass showing such weird numbers? Did anyone verify this?

matsbror commented 1 year ago

The story continues: there is definitely something strange with the standard cycle counting on x86_64. I followed the instructions here to isolate execution on one core (although I had to research a bit to find out the cpu numbering on my Alder Lake processor).

The result is consistent with the graph above.

Below is an excerpt of the raw csv data:

mats@UNI12GPKS3:~/wasm/sightglass-results$ cat counters-2.csv | grep "blake3.scalar"|grep Execution|grep x86_64|grep cpu-cycles
mats@UNI12GPKS3:~/wasm/sightglass-results$ cat cycles-2.csv | grep "blake3.scalar"|grep Execution|grep x86_64

As you can see, the cycle counts are 10x compared to when using coutners. For aarch64 and riscv64 the difference is of similar magnitude but in the other direction. Since the counter results are more logical, I tend to believe them more than the ones from using the precision crate.

abrown commented 1 year ago

I suspect this issue is not directly related to Sightglass — the measurement mechanisms we use are all external (see crates/recorder/src/measure). But it affects Sightglass so it makes sense to get to the bottom of this. Perhaps the thing to do here is to eliminate all of the Sightglass infrastructure altogether and validate the precision and perf-event crates on your systems. E.g., if we could create a workload that we know exactly executes N instructions, we could measure that workload with both precision and perf-event and see if the results still differ widely there.

As you are probably aware, cycle-based measurement is problematic (e.g., frequency scaling!). And these cycle measurements you are looking at are being collected in different ways:

So it may be that there is some irreconcilable difference here (which would be nice to discover!) but that Sightglass may not be able to solve. The good thing is that Sightglass accepts multiple measurement types so if the ones you mention are not cutting it for this cross-architecture benchmarking, you could add another. Others in the past have mentioned that cycles is not the best measurement to have as a default; perhaps for what you're doing here you want to look at adding perf's task-clock event or even adding a new wall-clock measurement (cc: @jlb6740, @fitzgen).

In any case, thanks for looking into this!

matsbror commented 1 year ago

In fact, for my purpose, cycle count is excellent as it makes it possible to compare different architectures without being too concerned with clock frequency. A cycle is a cycle.

My next step would be, as you point out, to validate precision and perf_event crates against each other. It is indeed not related to sightglass per se.

fitzgen commented 1 year ago

FWIW, I trust perf_event_open much more than the crate to read rdtsc. Unfortunately, it is Linux-only, or else I would advocate for making it the default (and even remove support for the other crate).

FWIW, I would be fine with adding a std::time-based Measure impl as well.

Finally, I'm not sure what your end goal here is @matsbror, but FWIW sightglass has mainly been curated for Wasmtime/Cranelift hackers to see whether certain PRs/optimization passes/etc improve or regress performance. It probably is not as well suited to other use cases, if only because it hasn't ever been used or evaluated for other use cases as much.

matsbror commented 1 year ago

I've been reading up a little about what the Timestamp counter on x86_64 processors really does. As far as I can tell it's a processor-wide counter running on a steady-clock rate. What that rate is, I have not been able to find out.

So I did an experiment setting the clock frequency to 5GHz and 500 MHz, respectively. If my conjecture is right, the cpu_cycles should stay the same, but the TSC reading should be 10 times higher with the slower core clock cycle.

5 GHz (running blake3-scalar benchmark, Execution phase)

execution with perf_event cycles
      [295336 299386.80 318583] engines/wasmtime/

execution with TSC-reading
      [173548 175773.80 186944] engines/wasmtime/

500 MHz (running blake3-scalar benchmark, Execution phase)

execution perf_event reading
      [301793 302848.10 303616] engines/wasmtime/

execution with TSC reading
      [1748532 1826605.60 1999720] engines/wasmtime/

Indeed my conjecture seems right. The cpu cycles are about 300 k in both cases but 175 k in the fast clock speed and 1.8 M in the slow clock speed.

That resolves the issue for my part because now I understand that the precision crate cannot be used to compare architectures as what is measured is different on each architecture. It's, however, perfect for sightglass' purpose because it tracks time accurately.

abrown commented 1 year ago

Thanks for doing that experiment! I should probably refer to this somewhere in some documentation to preempt questions about this type of thing in the future... but I don't yet know where to put it. So you're going to end up using perf's cycles then?