bytecodealliance / wasm-micro-runtime

WebAssembly Micro Runtime (WAMR)
Apache License 2.0
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Use a newer version of LLDB for debugging? #3622

Open iKlask opened 2 months ago

iKlask commented 2 months ago

So it seems that debugging wasm code in WAMR relies on an older version of LLDB (v13.x) with a specific patch applied.

Having to pull an older version of LLVM, apply this patch, and build it yourself is quite a hassle, especially since WAMR doesn't supply prebuilt binaries for Windows (only for Linux and macOS). Moreover, it seems unlikely that this patch will ever be integrated into the main LLVM branch.

So my question: Have modern versions of LLVM/LLDB supplied features this patch attempted to add, or is this patch still necessary today for debugging WASM in WAMR? I am asking because I've noticed that the Wasmtime runtime works well with more modern builds of LLDB without requiring any patches.

yamt commented 2 weeks ago

So my question: Have modern versions of LLVM/LLDB supplied features this patch attempted to add, or is this patch still necessary today for debugging WASM in WAMR?

the latter.

I am asking because I've noticed that the Wasmtime runtime works well with more modern builds of LLDB without requiring any patches.

wamr aot-debug doesn't require the patch. (it has its own problems though)