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WebAssembly Micro Runtime (WAMR)
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[RFC] wasm32-wasi-p2-module #3685

Open lum1n0us opened 1 month ago

lum1n0us commented 1 month ago

wasm32-wasi-p2-module, or wasm32-wasi-t2, is a new concept highlighted in a slide in Wasm CG June 2024. The initial idea can be found in a discussion.

P2-module is expected to enhance core modules by integrating advanced features of the WASI-p2, such as networking and encryption capabilities, which are anticipated to be highly appealing to users.

While there hasn't been an official release yet, developers can create wasm-wasi-p2-modules using the latest versions of wasi-sdk(22 and 23). This is done by compiling with the options --target=wasm32-wasip2 -fuse-ld=lld. The output has a mixed version of imports, wasi_snapshost_preview1 and wasi:io@0.2.0:

 - func[0] sig=2 <__imported_wasi_snapshot_preview1_args_get> <- wasi_snapshot_preview1.args_get
 - func[1] sig=2 <__imported_wasi_snapshot_preview1_args_sizes_get> <- wasi_snapshot_preview1.args_sizes_get
 - func[2] sig=3 <__imported_wasi_snapshot_preview1_fd_close> <- wasi_snapshot_preview1.fd_close
 - func[3] sig=2 <__imported_wasi_snapshot_preview1_fd_fdstat_get> <- wasi_snapshot_preview1.fd_fdstat_get
 - func[4] sig=4 <__imported_wasi_snapshot_preview1_fd_seek> <- wasi_snapshot_preview1.fd_seek
 - func[5] sig=5 <__imported_wasi_snapshot_preview1_fd_write> <- wasi_snapshot_preview1.fd_write
 - func[6] sig=6 <__imported_wasi_snapshot_preview1_proc_exit> <- wasi_snapshot_preview1.proc_exit
 - func[7] sig=6 <__wasm_import_poll_pollable_drop> <- wasi:io/poll@0.2.0.[resource-drop]pollable
 - func[8] sig=6 <__wasm_import_streams_input_stream_drop> <- wasi:io/streams@0.2.0.[resource-drop]input-stream
 - func[9] sig=6 <__wasm_import_streams_output_stream_drop> <- wasi:io/streams@0.2.0.[resource-drop]output-stream
 - func[10] sig=6 <__wasm_import_udp_udp_socket_drop> <- wasi:sockets/udp@0.2.0.[resource-drop]udp-socket
 - func[11] sig=6 <__wasm_import_udp_incoming_datagram_stream_drop> <- wasi:sockets/udp@0.2.0.[resource-drop]incoming-datagram-stream
 - func[12] sig=6 <__wasm_import_udp_outgoing_datagram_stream_drop> <- wasi:sockets/udp@0.2.0.[resource-drop]outgoing-datagram-stream
 - func[13] sig=6 <__wasm_import_tcp_tcp_socket_drop> <- wasi:sockets/tcp@0.2.0.[resource-drop]tcp-socket
 - func[14] sig=3 <__wasi_preview1_adapter_close_badfd> <- wasi_snapshot_preview1.adapter_close_badfd

The imports are same with wasm32-wasi-p2.

When implementing, the original wasi library at core/iwas/libraries/libc-wasi won't be touched. The new stuff will be stored at core/iwasm/libraries/libc-wasi-p2-module. If later, it is found to be able to shared with wasm32-wasi-p2, might be renamed to libc-wasi-p2.

yamt commented 1 month ago

P2-module is expected to enhance core modules by integrating advanced features of the WASI-p1, such as networking and encryption capabilities, which are anticipated to be highly appealing to users.

do you mean WASI-p2?

The output has a mixed version of imports, wasi_snapshost_preview1 and wasi:io@0.2.0

wasi_snapshost_preview1 will eventually be replaced by wasip2 things, right?

lum1n0us commented 1 month ago

do you mean WASI-p2?

IIUC, if using --target=wasm32-wasip2, the output is a component. If using --target=wasm32-wasip2-module, the output is a core module. The difference is which linker is used, component-ld or ld.

wasi_snapshost_preview1 will eventually be replaced by wasip2 things, right?

I don't know. I am hoping somebody might be able to answer that.

yamt commented 1 month ago

do you mean WASI-p2?

IIUC, if using --target=wasm32-wasip2, the output is a component. If using --target=wasm32-wasip2-module, the output is a core module. The difference is which linker is used, component-ld or ld.

my question was about your sentence "by integrating advanced features of the WASI-p1".

lum1n0us commented 1 month ago

Yes. Advanced features of the WASI-p2.

loganek commented 1 month ago

Thanks for kicking off the discussion. From our perspective, at least for time being, we don't need a full P2 support (i.e. WASI + Component Model) and just having "T2" would be sufficient. From what I understand, both T2 and preview1 can co-exist as they're in completely different namespaces, so one can choose to build WAMR with both T2 and preview1 enabled, and core module compiled to either target will work (ofc mixing T2 and preview1 calls within the same module might be dangerous, so users should be careful with that). And I think that might be a reasonable plan to first focus on just P2 imports, and only after that provide a full component model support (if ever needed).

Regarding potential deprecation of preview1 in WAMR - at that stage we'd really need to keep it around; however, we'll invest in the adapter and as soon as it's stable, my team will no longer need preview1 support in WAMR - if there are no other teams relying on that, perhaps it's something we might choose to deprecate over time.

lum1n0us commented 1 month ago

And I think that might be a reasonable plan to first focus on just P2 imports, and only after that provide a full component model support (if ever needed).

Yes, that's correct. In my understanding, there's a stronger demand for new features in WASI compared to the need for a component model. Therefore, priority should be given to handling p2 imports.

yamt commented 1 month ago

The output has a mixed version of imports, wasi_snapshost_preview1 and wasi:io@0.2.0

wasi_snapshost_preview1 will eventually be replaced by wasip2 things, right?

in case it was not clear, i meant about the use of the adapter in wasi-libc wasip2 build. i didn't mean the deprecation of wasip1.