bytecodealliance / wasmtime

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Assertion in debugger mode (left < right) #3999

Closed dbezhetskov closed 1 year ago

dbezhetskov commented 2 years ago

Test Case

( couldn't upload .wasm file so I'd changed extension to .mov, it is actually .wasm file)

Steps to Reproduce

RUST_BACKTRACE=1 gdb --args wasmtime run -g preinitialized.wasm

Expected Results

debug break

Actual Results


thread 'main' panicked at 'assertion failed: (left < right) left: 9699, right: 7415', crates/cranelift/src/debug/transform/ stack backtrace: 0: rust_begin_unwind at /rustc/9d1b2106e23b1abd32fce1f17267604a5102f57a/library/std/src/ 1: core::panicking::panic_fmt at /rustc/9d1b2106e23b1abd32fce1f17267604a5102f57a/library/core/src/ 2: wasmtime_cranelift::debug::transform::expression::ValueLabelRangesBuilder::process_label 3: wasmtime_cranelift::debug::transform::expression::CompiledExpression::build_with_locals 4: wasmtime_cranelift::debug::transform::simulate::generate_simulated_dwarf 5: wasmtime_cranelift::debug::transform::transform_dwarf 6: wasmtime_cranelift::debug::write_debuginfo::emit_dwarf 7: ::emit_obj 8: core::ops::function::impls::<impl core::ops::function::FnMut for &F>::call_mut 9: <core::iter::adapters::map::Map<I,F> as core::iter::traits::iterator::Iterator>::try_fold 10: <rayon::iter::fold::FoldFolder<C,ID,F> as rayon::iter::plumbing::Folder>::consume_iter 11: rayon::iter::plumbing::bridge_producer_consumer::helper 12: <rayon::vec::IntoIter as rayon::iter::IndexedParallelIterator>::with_producer 13: <rayon::iter::while_some::WhileSome as rayon::iter::ParallelIterator>::drive_unindexed 14: rayon::iter::collect::<impl rayon::iter::ParallelExtend for alloc::vec::Vec>::par_extend 15: rayon::result::<impl rayon::iter::FromParallelIterator<core::result::Result<T,E>> for core::result::Result<C,E>>::from_par_iter 16: wasmtime::module::Module::build_artifacts 17: core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once 18: wasmtime_cache::ModuleCacheEntry::get_data_raw 19: wasmtime::module::Module::from_binary 20: wasmtime::module::Module::from_file 21: wasmtime_cli::commands::run::RunCommand::load_module 22: wasmtime_cli::commands::run::RunCommand::load_main_module 23: wasmtime_cli::commands::run::RunCommand::execute 24: wasmtime::main note: Some details are omitted, run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full for a verbose backtrace.

Versions and Environment

Wasmtime version or commit: wasmtime 0.35.2

Operating system: ubuntu 20.04

Architecture: x86_64

bjorn3 commented 2 years ago

How was the wasm file produced?

dbezhetskov commented 2 years ago

@bjorn3 It is a compiled c++ program and it was preinitialized with wizer ( btw, without -g wasmtime works as expected with the .wasm module.

bjorn3 commented 2 years ago

It may be that wasmtime doesn't handle correct debuginfo or it may be that wizer causes the debuginfo to get corrupted.

abrown commented 2 years ago

cc: @fitzgen?

SuperTails commented 2 years ago

I compiled a C program without using Wizer and I have encountered the same crash. Here is a zip folder containing the WASM file that causes the crash: I am using the wasmtime crate directly. It only panics if debug_info(true) is set when creating the Engine.

dbanks12 commented 1 year ago

I am running into this as well! It looks like if I revert to wasmtime 1.0.2 or earlier I do not see this assertion failure. wasmtime 2.0.0 and later result in the assertion failure in my case.

I see the progress in and am watching closely! I am not a wasmtime poweruser, but if I can help make progress here I am happy to.

jameysharp commented 1 year ago

It looks like if I revert to wasmtime 1.0.2 or earlier I do not see this assertion failure. wasmtime 2.0.0 and later result in the assertion failure in my case.

I'm surprised to hear that. Since Wasmtime 1.0 was released months after the first time this issue was reported, I'd have expected you'd encounter the same issue in that version.

cfallin commented 1 year ago

@adv-sw the bug described here can occur even without using the C API, so it doesn't make sense that a change in the c-api crate would have caused it. Can you say more why you think this is the case?

dbanks12 commented 1 year ago

I'm surprised to hear that. Since Wasmtime 1.0 was released months after the first time this issue was reported, I'd have expected you'd encounter the same issue in that version.

I was surprised to see that as well.... I can try to provide more context shortly.

SingleAccretion commented 1 year ago

I have run into this issue (along with another, much simpler one) and investigated the cause a bit.

This is not a bug in the DWARF-related code, since the instruction offset data is fed to it by the code generator. The code generator, in turn, obtains this data when emitting instructions in a linear walk. It turns out that in this walk, prior recorded offsets can become invalidated by branch shortening (optimize_branches), leading to the invalid start > end ranges:

MachBuffer: use_label_at_offset: offset 95 label MachLabel(3) kind JmpRel32
emitting block Block(3)
MachBuffer: bind label MachLabel(3) at offset 99
enter optimize_branches:
b = [MachBranch { start: 78, end: 84, target: MachLabel(2), fixup: 1, inverted: Some([15, 132, 0, 0, 0, 0]), labels_at_this_branch: [] }, MachBranch { start: 89, end: 94, target: MachLabel(3), fixup: 2, inverted: None, labels_at_this_branch: [] }, MachBranch { start: 94, end: 99, target: MachLabel(3), fixup: 3, inverted: None, labels_at_this_branch: [MachLabel(2)] }]
l = [MachLabel(3)]
f = [MachLabelFixup { label: MachLabel(4), offset: 16, kind: JmpRel32 }, MachLabelFixup { label: MachLabel(2), offset: 80, kind: JmpRel32 }, MachLabelFixup { label: MachLabel(3), offset: 90, kind: JmpRel32 }, MachLabelFixup { label: MachLabel(3), offset: 95, kind: JmpRel32 }]
optimize_branches: last branch MachBranch { start: 94, end: 99, target: MachLabel(3), fixup: 3, inverted: None, labels_at_this_branch: [MachLabel(2)] } at off 99
branch with target == cur off; truncating
truncate_last_branch: truncated MachBranch { start: 94, end: 99, target: MachLabel(3), fixup: 3, inverted: None, labels_at_this_branch: [MachLabel(2)] }; off now 94
optimize_branches: last branch MachBranch { start: 89, end: 94, target: MachLabel(3), fixup: 2, inverted: None, labels_at_this_branch: [] } at off 94
branch with target == cur off; truncating
truncate_last_branch: truncated MachBranch { start: 89, end: 94, target: MachLabel(3), fixup: 2, inverted: None, labels_at_this_branch: [] }; off now 89
optimize_branches: last branch MachBranch { start: 78, end: 84, target: MachLabel(2), fixup: 1, inverted: Some([15, 132, 0, 0, 0, 0]), labels_at_this_branch: [] } at off 89
purge_latest_branches: removing branch MachBranch { start: 78, end: 84, target: MachLabel(2), fixup: 1, inverted: Some([15, 132, 0, 0, 0, 0]), labels_at_this_branch: [] }
leave optimize_branches:
b = []
l = [MachLabel(3), MachLabel(2)]
f = [MachLabelFixup { label: MachLabel(4), offset: 16, kind: JmpRel32 }, MachLabelFixup { label: MachLabel(2), offset: 80, kind: JmpRel32 }]

Recording debug range for VL8 in Reg(p2i): [i13..i14) [95..90) ; Invalid range

; DI: i12 at 89
  jmp     label3
; DI: i13 at 94
  jmp     label3
; DI: i14 at 89
  movl    8(%r9,%r10,1), %ecx
cfallin commented 1 year ago

@SingleAccretion that seems like a plausible explanation -- it's entirely possible that we missed a debug-info update when chomping branches. Would you be willing to make an attempt at fixing this? We record instruction offsets here for debug purposes, and then those are cross-correlated with debug_value_labels (which contains instruction-index ranges). It's possible that we just need to do a post-pass or in-place update to ensure monotonicity in this sequence (i.e., clamp inst_offsets[i] to be less than or equal to inst_offsets[i + 1])...

SingleAccretion commented 1 year ago

@cfallin thank you for a quick response! Yes, I am looking at this right now. The branching logic (if I am reading it correctly) only ever edits the instruction stream to entirely remove the last branch instruction, so it looks possible to do in-place updating.

Side note: now that I consider this, the disassembly is also incorrect because of this after-the-fact removal. That jmp label3 will not exist in the actual emitted code.

cfallin commented 1 year ago

The disassembly bit is intentional: it's meant to be a dump of the VCode, which stays in N-target branch form, rather than an exact correspondence to the machine code. VCode "pseudo-instructions" are similarly slightly different. One can think of the MachBuffer branch chomping (and branch-target editing: target labels will be updated and conditional polarities will be flipped sometimes) as another layer of lowering.

This is also why @elliottt added a Capstone-based disassembly check to the filetests a while back (and why clif-util has -D that disassembles using Capstone): both are useful, for slightly different purposes.