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Verification of addressing / memory accesses with VeriWasm or similar #6090

Closed cfallin closed 10 months ago

cfallin commented 1 year ago

I've been working on VeriWasm in Wasmtime the last few weeks, and decided to dump a summary of my investigation so far and ideas for the right approach to take. (I'm doing this partly because I've been asked to context switch back to something else, now that it's clear that VeriWasm proper cannot work and we need a new tool; I estimate it would take ~1 month to build what I describe in the last section below.)

(This may be better as an RFC, and I can clean it up, expand it, and post it as one once I have time to properly do so!)


We should include built-in support in Wasmtime to verify that compiled code from Wasm modules is accessing only the memory that it is supposed to access. Such verification would take the form of ahead-of-time static analysis on the code, so that it would not require dynamic checks; and it should trust as little as possible in the existing compiler stack, to increase the confidence we have in its conclusions.

The ideal would be to verify machine code bytes with no other input, but in practice, Wasmtime will have to tell the tool what to assume about details such as runtime data structures; and certain kinds of analysis, like full recovery of a CFG in the presence of indirect branches, may require whole-program analysis that is too expensive to be practical.

This issue proposes a scheme that embeds a notion of "memory capabilities" in CLIF, along with (static) assertions on values (mostly with respect to ranges), and carries these through to the VCode level in Cranelift. The Wasm lowering would be modified to annotate every load/store with an associated memory capability that permits it; and we can then check the uses of these capabilities at the other end of the pipeline, after instruction selection is done. This is inspired by, but in some sense the dual to, the approach taken by VeriWasm.

History: VeriWasm

In Johnson et al.[^1], the VeriWasm tool is described, with an approach that performs a static analysis of disassembled machine code to prove that all heap accesses in AOT-compiled Wasm code are properly to the Wasm heap, and cannot escape the sandbox. (The tool also checks other properties, such as control-flow integrity, but that is outside the scope of this issue.)

[^1]: Evan Johnson et al. "Довер ́яй, но провер ́яй: SFI Safety for native compiled Wasm." In NDSS 2021.

VeriWasm was designed to verify code produced by Lucet, another AOT Wasm compiler that has since been subsumed by Wasmtime and EOL'd.

VeriWasm works by lifting machine code to a simple IR that describes the semantics of the code in a partial way -- recovering just enough of the dataflow to be able to see all address computations -- and then performing iterative dataflow analysis over that IR using an analysis lattice.

The analysis values computed to describe program values include:

The basic idea of the analysis is to mark a result of any 32-bit instruction as Bounded4GB in the abstract interpretation, and then allow only memory accesses of the form [HeapBase + Bounded4GB].

Issues with porting VeriWasm to Wasmtime

The obvious next step is to port VeriWasm to work with Wasmtime instead of Lucet. To understand why this is difficult, it may be useful to know how Lucet's generated code differed from Wasmtime's. Both use Cranelift, but there are two key deltas:

Taken together, these two facts mean that we need a much more general analysis. In principle, we need to be able to:


Here is the simplest possible dynamic bounds-check example, compiled for x86-64 by Wasmtime, with annotations:

0000000000000000 <_wasm_function_0>:
       0:   55                      push   %rbp
       1:   48 89 e5                mov    %rsp,%rbp
       4:   44 8b c2                mov    %edx,%r8d                    ;; save Wasm address, and truncate to 32 bits
       7:   4c 89 c0                mov    %r8,%rax
       a:   48 83 c0 04             add    $0x4,%rax                    ;; compute end: address, plus 4-byte load size
       e:   0f 83 02 00 00 00       jae    16 <_wasm_function_0+0x16>   ;; if that overflowed, trap
      14:   0f 0b                   ud2
      16:   48 8b 57 58             mov    0x58(%rdi),%rdx              ;; load memory-0 length from vmctx+0x58
      1a:   48 31 c9                xor    %rcx,%rcx                    ;; clear rcx, to use in Spectre guard below
      1d:   4c 03 47 50             add    0x50(%rdi),%r8               ;; add memory-0 base (loaded from vmctx+0x50)
      21:   48 39 d0                cmp    %rdx,%rax                    ;; compare computed end-offset to length
      24:   4c 0f 47 c1             cmova  %rcx,%r8                     ;; if out-of-bounds, move zeros (in rcx) over pointer; Spectre guard
      28:   41 8b 00                mov    (%r8),%eax                   ;; do the load
      2b:   48 89 ec                mov    %rbp,%rsp
      2e:   5d                      pop    %rbp
      2f:   c3                      ret

This is compiled from

  (memory 0 10)
  (func (param i32) (result i32)
        local.get 0

with wasmtime compile --dynamic-memory-guard-size 0 --static-memory-guard-size 0 --static-memory-maximum-size 0 test.wat.

There are several things going on here that we need to be able to analyze:

The basic issue here is that we need to (i) build up a massive body of facts about all register values in the program, and (ii) only later pattern-match uses of certain combinations of them to generate legal pointers into dynamically-bounded memory regions. So we need to generally symoblically summarize expressions, and we need some algebraic language of additions, scaling operations, and bounding operations that can be simplified, normalized, and used to do this recognition.

Dead-end Prototype: Symbolic Expressions

In this branch of VeriWasm (which goes with this branch of Wasmtime and this branch of yaxpeax-core), I prototyped a system that basically attempted the above. It defined an analysis lattice that could represent additions, scaling (multiplication by a constant), umin (unsigned min, a bounding operator, the basic nonlinear element), loads, known constant values, and a few miscellaneous atoms like vmctx, "some pointer into .text", and Unknown.

The analysis used a set of rewrite rules to try to simplify expressions: e.g., an arbitrary 32-bit instruction might produce UMin(Unknown, Const(0xffffffff)), then adding 4 might produce Add(Const(4), UMin(Unknown, Const(0xffffffff))) which simplifies to UMin(Unknown, Const(0x100000003)) because Add distributes over UMin. (Wrapping is handled later, when we analyze ranges; the operators are defined not to wrap, because otherwise one needs to handle arbitrary piecewise segments rather than ranges and it just gets too messy.)

The Wasmtime branch above was modified to generate expressions in this expression language that signify memory regions that are allowed to be accessed. This is then used alongside the analysis results in the above symbolic-expression form, with an analysis that computes the affine bound (constant, or base plus some scaled symbolic dynamic parameter), to try to prove each memory access safe.

This more-or-less works (not quite in the above branch, but in principle can be fixed) for static memories, but falls down completely for dynamically-bounded structures, either heaps or tables. The basic reason is that to do the in-bounds proof, one basically needs to build a full computer algebra system that can manipulate the symbolic expressions above in order to solve systems of inequalities. This is not only far too complex for a purpose-built tool that we need to trust, but is also very unlikely to be scalable.

Fixing the Approach

I believe we can fix the verifier by using two basic realizations:

In a phrase, the approach I want to propose is proof-carrying code.

Proposal: Memory Capabilities and Proof-Carrying Code

The general approach is in four steps::

  1. Describe the areas of memory that the code is allowed to access, as part of the CLIF function body of any function (verified by this framework at least; this will not be required by default for all functions). These are essentially capabilities: they describe a set of conditions (address must satisfy these properties) and in return grant permission to load or store. Loads and stores in the CLIF can then be annotated with these capabilities.

    • These are likely to be placed in the preamble of the IR, and use global values or similar to describe base and length. They may look surprisingly similar to the old heap definitions that we had; the difference will be that they describe all accesses along pointer-chasing path. So for example: a capability to access vmctx[0..sizeof(vmctx_t)]; another capability, chaining off of that, to access (*(vmctx+8))[0..*(vmctx+16)] (i.e., a dynamically-bounded memory with base and length fields in the vmctx struct); and another for a table.
  2. Add assertions on certain SSA values that describe their ranges. These should be placed at defs (operators or blockparams) of the SSA values, such that validation can be done in linear time, without an iterative dataflow analysis. We should write a set of semantics for some operators sufficient to validate the kinds of assertions we want to make. For example, if we know v0 < 10 and v1 < 10, given v2 = iadd v0, v1 the framework should be able to validate the assertion that v2 < 20. Perhaps we also have some easy implicit ones, for efficiency: e.g., every i32-typed value is implicitly <= u32::MAX.

    • It's not entirely clear to me all of the kinds of assertions we will want. At least inequalities that bound the range of values; perhaps also equalities; perhaps also symbolic assertions, such as "this value is the base address of this memory capability", if we need to break down access validation into finer-grained steps.
    1. We then carry these assertions through to the VCode. This is simpler than it may at first seem, IMHO: we know already that a given vreg corresponds to a given SSA value, so we "just" need to transcribe the annotations onto the vregs. The egraph optimization infrastructure will need to replicate annotations as it clones nodes during elaboration, and rewrite rules that could affect address computation will need to create new assertions, but this is necessary work: of course it is the case that we should need to prove that our handling of iadd or uextend on an address is correct!
  3. We then check the VCode, prior to register allocation: validate each assertion, and confirm that memory accesses use legal capabilities. (The ABI code will need to hold an ambient capability for the stack, unless we special-case those instructions.) Checking prior to register allocation is important because it allows us to leverage SSA to be flow-insensitive in our analysis: we don't need to track "v1 at this program point" as we evaluate an assertion, but only v1 at all.

    • Note that taken alone, checking before RA means that RA2 is part of the TCB. However, we have a symbolic translation validation (the checker) in RA2 already; we can turn that on, and then the combination of this "assertion + memory capability validation" and the regalloc TV are enough to give a VeriWasm-like safety property.
martin-fink commented 10 months ago

Hi! Seeing that you have started to work on this, I just wanted to chime in that I've been working on a 'memory access verifier' too! :)

My approach follows what veriwasm and your prototype do: I build 'symbolic values' that model address computations/bounds checks and solve inequalities on them. As you have mentioned above, that is quite complex and not super scalable. The code is quite hacky and there's much to be improved in terms of performance and elegance, but it works for static and dynamic heaps (with or without spectre guards) and detects if e.g. is reintroduced into the code base when fuzzing with the checker enabled. You can find it at

I'm very excited to see how your PCC approach will differ from what I've built. :)

cfallin commented 10 months ago

Woah, that's really neat -- I wish I had known about this earlier!

Looking it over, I definitely agree that SymbolicValue is close to what I had tried with my first "veriwasm 2.0" branch, an AST of of operator nodes. I'm hopeful that the current PCC approach will be more scalable since the assertions (facts) aren't recursive ASTs but shallow facts instead, and the producer is expected to leave a flattened sequence of assertions along each intermediate value in the CLIF. I've sketched out the dynamic-memories approach I want to take and it should keep to a fairly narrow set of assertion types I think, without a general inequality sublanguage or solver, tailored to the code that cranelift-wasm actually generates.

It's really cool to see a working design point that can validate dynamic memories as well; thanks for this and I'll study it in more detail!