I am trying to AB test two different mediation services: AdMob and AppLovin. When including their Pangle adapters, I get the following warning after pod install:
Include Ads-Global/BUAdSDK_Compatible and Ads-Global/BUAdSDK, either directly in the Podfile or via the AdMob and AppLovin adapters.
Additional context | 附言
This is happening because both the BUAdSDK_Compatible and BUAdSDK subspecs repeat resource definitions. A proposed solution would be to have a third subspec with the repeated lines, and have the other two depend on it:
s.subspec 'BUAdSDK' do |ss|
ss.dependency 'Ads-Global/Dep_Accurate'
ss.dependency 'Ads-Global/BUAdSDK_Shared'
s.subspec 'BUAdSDK_Compatible' do |ss|
ss.dependency 'Ads-Global/Dep_Compatible'
ss.dependency 'Ads-Global/BUAdSDK_Shared'
s.subspec 'BUAdSDK_Shared' do |ss|
ss.vendored_frameworks = ['SDK/PAGAdSDK.xcframework']
ss.preserve_paths = 'SDK/PAGAdSDK.xcframework'
ss.resource = 'SDK/PAGAdSDK.bundle'
ss.resource_bundles = {
'AdsGlobalSDK' => ['SDK/PAGAdSDK.xcframework/ios-arm64/PAGAdSDK.framework/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy']
Describe the bug | 问题描述
I am trying to AB test two different mediation services: AdMob and AppLovin. When including their Pangle adapters, I get the following warning after
pod install
:Environmental information | 环境信息
To Reproduce | 如何复现
, either directly in the Podfile or via the AdMob and AppLovin adapters.Additional context | 附言
This is happening because both the
subspecs repeat resource definitions. A proposed solution would be to have a third subspec with the repeated lines, and have the other two depend on it: