Open StarCycle opened 7 months ago
[2024.4.19] Successfully run the policy
pip install setuptools==57.5.0
source activate
conda create -n calvin_venv python=3.8
conda activate calvin_venv
pip install setuptools==57.5.0
git clone --recurse-submodules
export CALVIN_ROOT=$(pwd)/calvin
cd calvin
cd calvin_env; git checkout main
cd ..
sh ./; cd ..
Remember to use the latest calvin_env
module, which fixes bugs of turn_off_led
. See this for detail.
in the GR-1 folder, if you get some error reported from GPT2, note that this repo relies on transformers==4.5.1
, which can be easily install with python3.8
pip install transformers==4.5.1
[2024.4.20] Evaluation result of ABC->D
Results for Epoch None:
Average successful sequence length: 3.256
Success rates for i instructions in a row:
1: 88.0%
2: 75.2%
3: 63.9%
4: 54.5%
5: 44.0%
rotate_blue_block_right: 57 / 68 | SR: 83.8%
move_slider_right: 229 / 238 | SR: 96.2%
lift_red_block_slider: 107 / 111 | SR: 96.4%
place_in_slider: 261 / 301 | SR: 86.7%
turn_off_led: 159 / 162 | SR: 98.1%
push_into_drawer: 78 / 100 | SR: 78.0%
lift_blue_block_drawer: 14 / 14 | SR: 100.0%
close_drawer: 166 / 166 | SR: 100.0%
lift_pink_block_slider: 106 / 114 | SR: 93.0%
open_drawer: 301 / 301 | SR: 100.0%
rotate_red_block_right: 60 / 66 | SR: 90.9%
lift_red_block_table: 138 / 146 | SR: 94.5%
lift_pink_block_table: 120 / 136 | SR: 88.2%
turn_on_led: 167 / 173 | SR: 96.5%
push_red_block_left: 59 / 73 | SR: 80.8%
lift_blue_block_table: 125 / 129 | SR: 96.9%
rotate_blue_block_left: 53 / 53 | SR: 100.0%
place_in_drawer: 136 / 141 | SR: 96.5%
move_slider_left: 202 / 204 | SR: 99.0%
rotate_red_block_left: 57 / 58 | SR: 98.3%
stack_block: 114 / 153 | SR: 74.5%
push_pink_block_left: 61 / 65 | SR: 93.8%
lift_blue_block_slider: 106 / 111 | SR: 95.5%
rotate_pink_block_right: 57 / 59 | SR: 96.6%
unstack_block: 53 / 53 | SR: 100.0%
push_red_block_right: 31 / 61 | SR: 50.8%
rotate_pink_block_left: 44 / 45 | SR: 97.8%
push_blue_block_left: 49 / 57 | SR: 86.0%
lift_pink_block_drawer: 8 / 9 | SR: 88.9%
push_pink_block_right: 34 / 57 | SR: 59.6%
push_blue_block_right: 27 / 59 | SR: 45.8%
turn_on_lightbulb: 43 / 172 | SR: 25.0%
turn_off_lightbulb: 18 / 145 | SR: 12.4%
lift_red_block_drawer: 16 / 16 | SR: 100.0%
Best model: epoch None with average sequences length of 3.256
disconnecting id 0 from server
Destroy EGL OpenGL window.
Note that in their original paper, the performance is:
The success rate in my evaluation is even higher! I fixed the bug of turn_off_led
while @bdrhtw @hongtaowu67 did not find this problem?
On the ABC->D leaderboard, it`s very close to the current SOTA 3D diffuser actor without using depth information:
The log files: result.txt success_rate.txt
[2024.4.20] Evaluation result of ABCD->D
Results for Epoch None:
Average successful sequence length: 4.302
Success rates for i instructions in a row:
1: 95.2%
2: 91.1%
3: 86.5%
4: 81.7%
5: 75.7%
rotate_blue_block_right: 72 / 77 | SR: 93.5%
move_slider_right: 274 / 274 | SR: 100.0%
lift_red_block_slider: 126 / 137 | SR: 92.0%
place_in_slider: 338 / 357 | SR: 94.7%
turn_off_lightbulb: 150 / 150 | SR: 100.0%
turn_off_led: 168 / 168 | SR: 100.0%
push_into_drawer: 100 / 125 | SR: 80.0%
lift_blue_block_drawer: 19 / 19 | SR: 100.0%
close_drawer: 218 / 218 | SR: 100.0%
lift_pink_block_slider: 140 / 141 | SR: 99.3%
open_drawer: 359 / 360 | SR: 99.7%
rotate_red_block_right: 74 / 75 | SR: 98.7%
lift_red_block_table: 175 / 177 | SR: 98.9%
lift_pink_block_table: 160 / 170 | SR: 94.1%
move_slider_left: 252 / 252 | SR: 100.0%
turn_on_lightbulb: 182 / 182 | SR: 100.0%
rotate_blue_block_left: 64 / 68 | SR: 94.1%
push_blue_block_left: 58 / 69 | SR: 84.1%
turn_on_led: 176 / 179 | SR: 98.3%
stack_block: 170 / 201 | SR: 84.6%
push_pink_block_right: 47 / 67 | SR: 70.1%
push_red_block_left: 65 / 78 | SR: 83.3%
lift_blue_block_table: 173 / 178 | SR: 97.2%
place_in_drawer: 173 / 175 | SR: 98.9%
rotate_red_block_left: 62 / 65 | SR: 95.4%
push_pink_block_left: 65 / 77 | SR: 84.4%
lift_blue_block_slider: 123 / 132 | SR: 93.2%
push_red_block_right: 44 / 72 | SR: 61.1%
lift_pink_block_drawer: 15 / 15 | SR: 100.0%
rotate_pink_block_right: 70 / 71 | SR: 98.6%
unstack_block: 67 / 69 | SR: 97.1%
push_blue_block_right: 51 / 72 | SR: 70.8%
rotate_pink_block_left: 54 / 57 | SR: 94.7%
lift_red_block_drawer: 18 / 18 | SR: 100.0%
Best model: epoch None with average sequences length of 4.302
disconnecting id 0 from server
Destroy EGL OpenGL window.
Again, the performance is slightly higher than the original paper reported.
It`s the SOTA of the ABCD->D leaderboard. Better than the heavy Roboflamingo.
The log files: result(1).txt success_rate(1).txt
[2024.4.20] Network Details
These hyperparameters are set in this config file.
Trainable parameters: 45,988,039 Total parameters: 283,139,272 (Since CLIP vision encoder is loaded but not used, the actual parameters number is 195,290,056)
Parameter number of the MAE (frozen): 85,798,656, ViT-B/32 version Parameter number of the CLIP text encoder (frozen): 37,828,608, ViT-Base
Parameter number of the perceiver resampler: 18,897,408 resampler arch: transformer with 2 layers and cross attention:
(perceiver_resampler): PerceiverResampler(
(layers): ModuleList(
(0): ModuleList(
(0): PerceiverAttention(
(norm_media): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)
(norm_latents): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)
(to_q): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=512, bias=False)
(to_kv): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=1024, bias=False)
(to_out): Linear(in_features=512, out_features=768, bias=False)
(1): ...
Parameter number of core transformer (GPT2): 21,294,720 GPT2 arch: 12 layers, forward dim=384
(transformer): GPT2Model(
(wte): Embedding(1, 384)
(drop): Dropout(p=0.1, inplace=False)
(h): ModuleList(
(0): Block(
(ln_1): LayerNorm((384,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)
(attn): Attention(
(c_attn): Conv1D()
(c_proj): Conv1D()
(attn_dropout): Dropout(p=0.1, inplace=False)
(resid_dropout): Dropout(p=0.1, inplace=False)
(ln_2): LayerNorm((384,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)
(mlp): MLP(
(c_fc): Conv1D()
(c_proj): Conv1D()
(dropout): Dropout(p=0.1, inplace=False)
(1~11): ...
Parameter number of the image decoder: 3,548,928 (transformer) + 147,840 (embedding) arch: 2 layer transormer
(decoder_embed): Linear(in_features=384, out_features=384, bias=True)
(decoder_blocks): ModuleList(
(0): Block(
(norm1): LayerNorm((384,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)
(attn): Attention(
(qkv): Linear(in_features=384, out_features=1152, bias=True)
(attn_drop): Dropout(p=0.0, inplace=False)
(proj): Linear(in_features=384, out_features=384, bias=True)
(proj_drop): Dropout(p=0.0, inplace=False)
(drop_path): Identity()
(norm2): LayerNorm((384,), eps=1e-05, elementwise_affine=True)
(mlp): Mlp(
(fc1): Linear(in_features=384, out_features=1536, bias=True)
(act): GELU(approximate='none')
(fc2): Linear(in_features=1536, out_features=384, bias=True)
(drop): Dropout(p=0.0, inplace=False)
(1): ...
Parameters of other layers like the action projection layer are not discussed here.
Image preprocess
input_size = (224, 224)
rgb_mean = (0.485, 0.456, 0.406)
rgb_std = (0.229, 0.224, 0.225)
self.preprocess = T.Compose([
T.Resize(input_size, interpolation=Image.BICUBIC),
T.Normalize(rgb_mean, rgb_std)])
As for random shift of images, please refer to #5.
As for skip-frame in video & action prediction, please refer to #6.
For target image they do:
p = self.patch_size
h_p = h // p
w_p = w // p
rgb = rgb.reshape(shape=(batch_size, sequence_length, 3, h_p, p, w_p, p))
obs_targets = rgb.permute(0, 1, 3, 5, 4, 6, 2)
obs_targets = obs_targets.reshape(shape=(batch_size, sequence_length, h_p * w_p, (p**2) * 3)) # (b, l, n_patches, p*p*3)
if not self.without_norm_pixel_loss:
# norm the target
obs_targets = (obs_targets - obs_targets.mean(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
) / (obs_targets.var(dim=-1, unbiased=True, keepdim=True).sqrt() + 1e-6)
Language preprocess
# Embed language
lang_embeddings = self.model_clip.encode_text(language)
lang_embeddings = lang_embeddings / (lang_embeddings.norm(dim=1, keepdim=True) + 1e-6) # normalization
lang_embeddings = self.embed_lang(lang_embeddings.float()) # (b, h)
[2024.4.20] APIs
The GR1 policy, whose hyperparameters are set in this config file.
class GR1(nn.Module):
def __init__(
model_clip, # nn.module
model_mae, # nn.module
state_dim, # config['state_dim']
act_dim, # config['act_dim']
hidden_size, # config['embed_dim']
sequence_length, # config['seq_len']
training_target, # List: ['act_pred', 'fwd_pred', 'fwd_pred_hand'], remove some of them if needed
img_feat_dim, # config['img_feat_dim']
patch_feat_dim, # config['patch_feat_dim']
lang_feat_dim, # config['lang_feat_dim']
resampler_params, # Dict from config: {'depth': x, 'dim_head': x, 'heads': x, 'num_latents': x, 'num_media_embeds': x}
without_norm_pixel_loss=False, # whether normalize the target image or not
use_hand_rgb=True, # whether use hand camera image or not
with torch.no_grad():
prediction = self.policy(
rgb=rgb_data, # [1, 10, 3, 224, 224], rgb_data[:, 1:]=0 in evaluation
hand_rgb=hand_rgb_data, # [1, 10, 3, 224, 224], hand_rgb_data[:, 1:]=0 in evaluation
state=state_data, # state_data['arm']: [1, 10, 6], state_data['gripper']: [1, 10, 2]
language=tokenized_text, # [1, 77]
attention_mask=attention_mask, # [1, 10], it's [[1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]] in evaluation (0: this part of input is ignored)
In the output:
prediction['obs_preds']: [1, 10, 196, 768] if 'fwd_pred' in training_target, otherwise None
prediction['obs_targets']: [1, 10, 196, 768] if 'fwd_pred' in training_target, otherwise None
prediction['obs_hand_preds']: [1, 10, 196, 768] if fwd_pred_hand in training_target and use_hand_rgb=True, otherwise None
prediction['obs_hand_targets']: [1, 10, 196, 768] if fwd_pred_hand in training_target and use_hand_rgb=True, otherwise None
prediction['arm_action_preds']: [1, 10, 6]
prediction['gripper_action_preds']: [1, 10, 1]
prediction['obs_targets'] and prediction['obs_hand_targets'] do not need gradient. 196 of the shape is number of patch
, and 768 is patch_size*patch_size*3 (16*16*3)
. You can recover the predicted video frames by
from einops import rearrange
additional unnormalization if without_norm_pixel_loss=False
prediction['obs_preds'] = rearrange(prediction['obs_preds'], 'b s (hp wp) (p1 p2 c) -> b s c (hp p1) (wp p2)', hp=14, wp=14, p1=16, p2=16, c=3)
prediction['obs_preds'] *= torch.tensor([0.229, 0.224, 0.225]).cuda().view(1, 1, -1, 1, 1)
prediction['obs_preds'] += torch.tensor([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]).cuda().view(1, 1, -1, 1, 1)
[2024.4.20] Some internal tensor shapes
from MAE: (batch size*seq len, 768)
from MAE: (batch size*seq len, 196, 768)
from resampler: (batch size*seq len, 1, 9, 768) (heavily compress the data)
from CLIP text encoder: (batch size*seq len, 512)
Their last dimensions are projected to 384 before sent into GPT2. GPT2 input shape: (batch size, 430, 384)
After the light-weight image decoder, the last dimention of obs_pred
is projected from 384 to 768.
[2024.4.21] Video Generation Test
Theortically, GR-1 can generate a short video in a single forward pass because of the learned [OBS] tokens. It can also predicts a short tranjectory (or you can say, an action chunk) in a pass.
The reconstruction quality is poor but the following video still looks like the desk of CALVIN benchmark.
The original desk:
My code may be wrong, I hope @bdrhtw @hongtaowu67 release the official video generation script.
Hi @StarCycle ,
thanks for your attention to this work.
We are not aware of the bug in the turn_off_led
task. Can you kindly share more details on this bug?
As for video prediction, we follow MAE to normalize the images by batch in training: To generate normal images, without_norm_pixel_loss
needs to be set True
in training. The training loss for video prediction is the L2 loss--the reconstructed image can be blurred. Nevertheless, it can still be a strong regularization to help the network learn actions more effectively.
Hi @bdrhtw,
I found the turn_off_led
bug in the README of 3D Diffuser Actor. They shared a link of this post. Since GR-1 is earlier than their work, I guess you have the same bug in your calvin environment.
For video generation, I see in your evaluation code without_norm_pixel_loss=False
(in the config file). If I understand correctly:
to train the current checkpoint. The reconstucted images looks not good in this case but it helps to learn the action output more effectively.without_norm_pixel_loss=False
. The reconstucted images looks better but still blurred due to the L2 loss.btw, it's very helpful if you can enter the wechat group :)
Thanks for sharing the bug fix.
Yes. we trained two checkpoints, i.e., one with without_norm_pixel_loss=False
and another with it set True.
[2024.5.17] For the full training code, please refer to #8
@snitchyang 您好,已经更新,我等会也更新下我repo的代码
@negativegluon 请用这个
@StarCycle 请问可以载更新一下群二维码吗, 感谢!
@wlxing1901 好的,已经更新,欢迎加群:
@SpaceLearner 请您用这个二维码:
求加群 @StarCycle 🤗
Yes I have updated it!
@StarCycle in your terminal output (, it shows that you use 3 EGL device choice. However, in my output, it shows that "Couldn't find correct EGL device. Setting EGL_VISIBLE_DEVICE=0. When using DDP with many GPUs this can lead to OOM errors. Did you install PyBullet correctly? Please refer to calvin env README" It seems that i could only use one egl device, but i actually own 8 GPU, how could i solve this problem? Thks a lot !!!
Global seed set to 0 loading state dict: logs/ pybullet build time: Nov 28 2023 23:52:03 Couldn't find correct EGL device. Setting EGL_VISIBLE_DEVICE=0. When using DDP with many GPUs this can lead to OOM errors. Did you install PyBullet correctly? Please refer to calvin env README argv[0]=--width=200 argv[1]=--height=200 _EGL device choice: 0 of 1 (from EGL_VISIBLE_DEVICES)_ Loaded EGL 1.5 after reload. GL_VENDOR=Mesa GL_RENDERER=llvmpipe (LLVM 15.0.7, 256 bits) GL_VERSION=3.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 23.2.1-1ubuntu3.1~22.04.2
Hello @Jacksonfei,
The EGL problem comes from calvin...and it depends on the machine you use...
One option is to run conda install -c conda-forge gcc=12.1
, but it may not 100% succeed.
Would you like to add my Wechat (StarRingSpace)? In the worst case, I can try to set up a docker image for you. You need to train on your machine, and evaluate in the docker...According to my experience, you will finally solve the EGL problem if you switch a docker image or you carefully configure your system...
I also list many installation errors and solutions here:
@Tigerdwgth Hi please check this qr code:
求加群 @StarCycle 🤗
@1786707378 请您用这个二维码: