bytedance / MVDream

Multi-view Diffusion for 3D Generation
MIT License
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Generating from images #5

Closed fefespn closed 9 months ago

fefespn commented 9 months ago

Hi, Thanks for open sourcing your interesting hard working repo.

If I want to generate, let's say a chair, not from text prompt but with an input image, (the motive is that I want to generate the same chair from different angles), is there any technique to do it ? maybe changing little bit the diffuser model ? maybe inputing the noise as my image and in text prompt to put "chair" ?

dragonlong commented 9 months ago

I guess then you will want to check another work SyncDreamer, which can generate 16 views when giving 1 input image

fefespn commented 9 months ago

Oh ok thanks !! I liked the camera position optimization idea very much in your paper, SyncDreamer don't have this. But ok I will think about a way to do it. thanks a lot !! good luck and have fun with your future work !!