The repo is no longer compilable since Dart 3.0 and Melos 3.0. The PR fix this.
Pull Request Checklist
[x] I have read the UME contribution document and understand how to contribute, commit the code according to the rules. 我已阅读过 UME 贡献文档,并了解如何进行贡献,按照规则提交了代码
[ ] I have added the necessary comments in code to ensure that other contributors can understand the reason for the change. 我在修改中已经添加了必要的注释,以确保便于其他贡献者理解修改原因
[ ] The code has been formatted by dartfmt before push. 代码在提交前已经经过 dartfmt 进行了格式化
[ ] Change does not involve the adjustment of test cases. Or all existing and new tests are passing. 改动不涉及测试用例调整,或 example 工程与单元测试已经完全跑通
The repo is no longer compilable since Dart 3.0 and Melos 3.0. The PR fix this.
Pull Request Checklist