bytedance / lightseq

LightSeq: A High Performance Library for Sequence Processing and Generation
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How to use set different max_batch_tokens during inference? #295

Closed frankang closed 2 years ago

frankang commented 2 years ago

I am currently using lightseq in fairseq. However the inference would fail if the max_token value is larger than the value set during the training period. Any suggestion to fix this? Thanks!

line 179, in forward
    raise ValueError(
ValueError: Batch token numbers 5000 exceeds the limit 3000.
neopro12 commented 2 years ago

If you want a big batch during inference, you can export the model and use the end-to-end inference engine:

If you want a big batch during the evaluation of training models, you can directly reduce the batch size of evaluation

frankang commented 2 years ago
